yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What is the worst change this wipe? (*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Melee Tournie POV: Vher Log Rating: 2.2857 If anyone is interested... Sancho says 'anyone not understand or NOT ready?' Viran says 'sec' Viran says 'sanca' Sancho says 'once i say, you only have 10 seconds to leave this room else u will be diqualified' Viran says 'sancho' Viran says 'do u know' ... Viran says '?' Sancho says 'know what' Viran says 'wilds suxx' Viran says 'ok i ready !' 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Sancho says 'fine then MOVE NORTH NOW YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS' 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Gitte flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Trad flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> n Viran flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Barbosa flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Blutharsch flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Arena Dispersal! Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) Captain Barbosa, Undead Blood Sea Mutineer is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. Trad, Battle Squire is standing here. (flying) 705H 147V 1X 987C Exits:NESWUD> Yado arrives from the south. 705H 147V 1X 987C Exits:NESWUD> Trad flies east. 705H 147V 1X 987C Exits:NESWUD> n An Abandoned Tunnel Trad, Battle Squire is standing here. (flying) 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> bash tasoth Trad flies south. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> e You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:SW> bash tasoth You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 140V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 140V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash mabel You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash tasoth s bash tasoth You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 134V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 134V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 132V 1X 987C Exits:SW> Iryakos flies in from the west. 705H 132V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 132V 1X 987C Exits:SW> bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 130V 1X 987C Exits:NE> e bash tasoth You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 130V 1X 987C Exits:NE> s An Abandoned Tunnel Gitte the Female Human is standing here. (flying) 705H 128V 1X 987C Exits:SW> bash tasoth You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 128V 1X 987C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 126V 1X 987C Exits:NE> n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 705H 126V 1X 987C Exits:NE> An Abandoned Tunnel Gitte the Female Human is standing here. (flying) 705H 124V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w n An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 122V 1X 987C Exits:NE> w An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 120V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 118V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 116V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Tasoth the Terrible is standing here. (invisible) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here. (flying) Captain Barbosa, Undead Blood Sea Mutineer is standing here, fighting Yado. (flying) Yado the Male Wild Elf is sitting here, fighting Barbosa. 705H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Barbosa massacres Yado with his crush. Yado massacres Barbosa with his slash. 705H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You crash into Tasoth in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Yado steps aside as Iryakos attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on her face. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Iryakos massacres Yado with her stab. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth slowly fades into existence. Tasoth misses you with his pierce. Tasoth misses you with his pierce. Barbosa massacres Yado with his crush. Yado slashes Barbosa very hard. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Frosten arrives from the east. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> disarm Frosten leaves west. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Trad flies in from the east. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Yado stands up. YADO ---> stands up! 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Trad flies west. 705H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Iryakos massacres Yado with her stab. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth pierces YOU very hard. Tasoth pierces YOU extremely hard. Barbosa massacres Yado with his crush. Yado slashes Barbosa very hard. Yado panics, and attempts to flee. Yado leaves north. 674H 114V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Tasoth:Good] Exits:NEW> Tasoth stands up. 674H 114V 1X 987C TASOTH:GOOD EXITS:NEW> TASOTH ---> stands up! You strike Tasoth's weapon cleanly, but fail to disarm it. 674H 114V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Tasoth:Good] Exits:NEW> Tasoth panics, and attempts to flee. 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies east. 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies in from the east. 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Viran arrives from the east. 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Iryakos stands up. IRYAKOS ---> stands up! 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e Barbosa flies west. 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Viran leaves west. 674H 114V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Tasoth slowly fades into existence. Tasoth thrusts a wickedly barbed short sword into your back. That Really did HURT! 465H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Tasoth:Good] Exits:NEW> Iryakos crashes into Tasoth in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 465H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Tasoth:Good] Exits:NEW> Iryakos massacres Tasoth with her stab. Tasoth misses you with his pierce. Tasoth misses you with his pierce. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. 465H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. You can't do that while fighting. 465H 114V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> flee flee You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 465H 112V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 465H 112V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e Barbosa flies in from the west. 465H 112V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 465H 110V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies in from the west. 465H 110V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 110V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies east. 465H 110V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w bash tasoth An Abandoned Tunnel 465H 108V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Tasoth the Terrible is sitting here, fighting Iryakos. Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here, fighting Tasoth. (flying) 465H 106V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You try to bash Tasoth, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Perfect] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth massacres Iryakos with his pierce. Tasoth misses Iryakos with his pierce. Iryakos massacres Tasoth with her stab. 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> st Iryakos crashes into Tasoth in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> Mabel flies in from the north. 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> Mabel slowly fades into existence. Mabel comes out of hiding. Mabel pierces Tasoth extremely hard. 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Fair] Exits:NEW> Mabel massacres Tasoth with her pierce. Mabel massacres Tasoth with her pierce. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth massacres Iryakos with his pierce. Tasoth pierces Iryakos very hard. Iryakos massacres Tasoth with her stab. 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:V.Bad] Exits:NEW> You stand up. 465H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:V.Bad] Exits:NEW> bash mabel Mabel massacres Tasoth with her pierce. Mabel pierces Tasoth extremely hard. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth misses Iryakos with his pierce. Tasoth misses Iryakos with his pierce. Iryakos massacres Tasoth with her stab. The rising sun proclaims a new day. Timer now at 60 secs. You are now sober. Timer now at 60 secs. 484H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NEW> Blutharsch flies in from the east. 484H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NEW> You crash into Mabel in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 484H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NEW> Blutharsch flies west. 484H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NEW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 484H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NEW> Tasoth steps aside as Iryakos attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on her face. 484H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NEW> Mabel massacres Tasoth with her pierce. Mabel pierces Tasoth extremely hard. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth annihilates Iryakos with his pierce. Tasoth massacres Iryakos with his pierce. Iryakos massacres Tasoth with her stab. Twinkling lights surround Tasoth and he disappears. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Blutharsch charges at Mabel, but she managed to move away. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash mabel Blutharsch annihilates Mabel with his cleave. Mabel massacres Blutharsch with her pierce. Mabel pierces Blutharsch extremely hard. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Mabel stands up. MABEL ---> stands up! 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You try to bash Mabel, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. Mabel panics, and attempts to flee. Mabel flies north. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Iryakos stands up. IRYAKOS ---> stands up! 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> st Iryakos flies west. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w Iryakos flies in from the west. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w Blutharsch flies west. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies in from the east. 484H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You are sent sprawling as Iryakos crashes into you. 460H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 460H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Blutharsch charges at Iryakos, but she managed to move away. 460H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies east. 460H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> flee Blutharsch massacres Iryakos with his cleave. Iryakos massacres YOU with her stab. You cleave Iryakos extremely hard. 435H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Barbosa flies in from the east. 435H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Yado arrives from the north. 435H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Barbosa massacres YOU with his crush. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Yado leaves west. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Frosten arrives from the west. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Hanne arrives from the north. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> st Hanne leaves west. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Gitte flies in from the north. A griffon flies in from the north. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Frosten leaves east. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Frosten arrives from the east. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> flee Gitte flies west. A griffon flies west. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Frosten leaves west. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> flee Hanne arrives from the west. 409H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Iryakos:Good] Exits:NEW> Barbosa massacres YOU with his crush. Blutharsch massacres Iryakos with his cleave. Iryakos massacres YOU with her stab. You cleave Iryakos extremely hard. Gitte flies in from the west. A griffon flies in from the west. 348H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Iryakos:Fair] Exits:NEW> flee Iryakos panics, and attempts to flee. You direct your attention to Barbosa. Iryakos flies north. 348H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:NEW> You stand up. 348H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:NEW> You can't do that while fighting. 348H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:NEW> flee You can't do that while fighting. 348H 131V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:NEW> flee You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> flee You are already standing. 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e e You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Barbosa flies in from the west. 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Barbosa flies east. 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 348H 129V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 127V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 125V 1X 987C Exits:SW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 348H 125V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w n An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 123V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> n An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 121V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 119V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 117V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 117V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 115V 1X 987C Exits:SW> bash mabel You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 115V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 113V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 111V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 111V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 109V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 109V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 107V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 107V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 105V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 105V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 103V 1X 987C Exits:NES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 103V 1X 987C Exits:NES> e bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 101V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e bash mabel You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 101V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Intersection Of Tunnels A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. Gitte the Female Human is standing here. (flying) . . . is outlined with a dim aura. 348H 99V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 99V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> Gitte flies west. A griffon flies west. 348H 99V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> e An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 95V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 95V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> s An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 93V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash mabel You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 93V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) Mabel is standing here. (flying) (invisible) 348H 91V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 91V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Viran arrives from the west. 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne arrives from the west. 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Viran leaves east. 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel Hanne leaves east. 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 348H 87V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash mabel w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 348H 87V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel Mabel is standing here. (flying) (invisible) 348H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Mabel in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 348H 85V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Mabel:Fair] Exits:EW> You annihilate Mabel with your cleave. Mabel slowly fades into existence. Mabel comes out of hiding. Mabel misses you with her hit. Mabel pierces YOU hard. 340H 85V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Mabel:Fair] Exits:EW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. You massacre Mabel with your cleave. Mabel misses you with her hit. Mabel pierces YOU hard. 333H 85V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> *Mabel useless! 333H 85V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> bash Mabel stands up. MABEL ---> stands up! 333H 85V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> Mabel panics, and attempts to flee. 333H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 333H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 333H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 333H 83V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 333H 83V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel Captain Barbosa, Undead Blood Sea Mutineer is sitting here, fighting Frosten. (flying) Frosten the Male Human is sitting here, fighting Barbosa. 333H 81V 1X 987C Exits:ES> w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 333H 81V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s bash mabel Alas, you cannot go that way... 333H 81V 1X 987C Exits:ES> w An Abandoned Tunnel 333H 79V 1X 987C Exits:NW> s You couldn't find what you were looking for. 333H 79V 1X 987C Exits:NW> Yado arrives from the west. 333H 79V 1X 987C Exits:NW> An Abandoned Tunnel 333H 77V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel 333H 75V 1X 987C Exits:NW> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 333H 75V 1X 987C Exits:NW> n An Abandoned Tunnel 352H 98V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e bash barbosa An Abandoned Tunnel Frosten the Male Human is standing here. 352H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 352H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NW> e Yado arrives from the north. 352H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NW> bash barbosa Alas, you cannot go that way... 352H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NW> n bash barbosa Barbosa flies in from the north. 352H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You crash into Barbosa in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 352H 96V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Yado crashes into Frosten in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 352H 96V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Yado slashes Frosten extremely hard. Frosten slashes Yado very hard. Frosten slashes Yado very hard. You cleave Barbosa extremely hard. Barbosa massacres YOU with his crush. 326H 96V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Barbosa appears rejuvenated. Barbosa rises up off the ground. Yado appears rejuvenated. Yado rises up off the ground. The rules committee laughs at your wimpy legs. You feel less tired. You rise up off the ground. Frosten appears rejuvenated. Frosten rises up off the ground. 326H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Yado massacres Frosten with his slash. Frosten slashes Yado very hard. Frosten slashes Yado hard. You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Barbosa massacres YOU with his crush. 296H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> flee flee You can't do that while fighting. Frosten stands up. FROSTEN ---> stands up! 296H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> You try to bash Barbosa, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. Barbosa stands up. BARBOSA ---> stands up! 296H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Barbosa spins and tries to kick Frosten, but Frosten dodges out of the way. 296H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Frosten steps aside as Yado attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 296H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> flee flee flee Yado slashes Frosten very hard. Frosten massacres Yado with his slash. Frosten slashes Yado very hard. You cleave Barbosa extremely hard. Barbosa annihilates YOU with his crush. 254H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Barbosa spins and tries to kick Frosten, but Frosten dodges out of the way. Frosten panics, and attempts to flee. Frosten flies west. 254H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Barbosa annihilates YOU with his crush. Barbosa's hammer begins to glow red hot as he strikes you with it! You are burned by the hammer. 200H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Frosten flies in from the west. 200H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> st Frosten flies north. 200H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> flee flee You can't do that while sitting. 200H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Yado stands up. 200H 148V 1X 987C BARBOSA:FAIR EXITS:NW> YADO ---> stands up! You can't do that while sitting. 200H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> You should probably stand up! You cleave Barbosa very hard. Barbosa massacres YOU with his crush. You can't do that while sitting. 167H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> Yado flies north. You can't do that while sitting. 167H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> You can't do that while sitting. 167H 148V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:NW> flee Barbosa panics, and attempts to flee. Barbosa flies north. 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You stand up. 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> flee flee You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> n e e Barbosa flies in from the north. 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> Hanne flies in from the north. 167H 148V 1X 987C Exits:NW> An Abandoned Tunnel 167H 146V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. (flying) 167H 144V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel 167H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e e Viran flies in from the east. 167H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e An Abandoned Tunnel Mabel is standing here. (flying) (invisible) 167H 140V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel 167H 138V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 167H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel 167H 134V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w w An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 167H 132V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 167H 130V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 167H 130V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 167H 128V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 167H 128V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel Mabel is standing here. (flying) (invisible) 167H 126V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Mabel in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 167H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> Barbosa flies in from the west. 167H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> Barbosa flies east. 167H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> You massacre Mabel with your cleave. Mabel slowly fades into existence. Mabel comes out of hiding. Mabel hits YOU hard. Mabel pierces YOU hard. 152H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:V.Bad] Exits:EW> scan You massacre Mabel with your cleave. Mabel misses you with her hit. Mabel pierces YOU hard. 144H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Looking north: You see nothing special. Looking east: You see nothing special. Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. (flying) Looking south: You see nothing special. Looking west: You see nothing special. Looking up: You see nothing special. Looking down: You see nothing special. Mabel stands up. MABEL ---> stands up! 144H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Yado flies in from the east. 144H 126V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Mabel panics, and attempts to flee. Mabel flies west. 144H 126V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel w bash mabel Yado flies west. 144H 126V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 144H 126V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. (flying) 144H 124V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 144H 124V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w bash mabel Yado flies west. 144H 124V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. (flying) 144H 122V 1X 987C Exits:ES> w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 144H 122V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash mabel Alas, you cannot go that way... 144H 122V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 144H 122V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Yado flies south. 144H 122V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s w bash mabel w An Abandoned Tunnel Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. (flying) 144H 120V 1X 987C Exits:NW> s w An Abandoned Tunnel 144H 118V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 144H 118V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Iryakos flies in from the south. 144H 118V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Alas, you cannot go that way... 144H 118V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash mabel An Abandoned Tunnel 144H 116V 1X 987C Exits:NW> Before The Abandoned Tunnels Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. Gitte the Female Human is sitting here. (flying) . . . is outlined with a dim aura. 144H 114V 1X 987C Exits:E> You couldn't find what you were looking for. Gitte stands up. GITTE ---> stands up! 144H 114V 1X 987C Exits:E> Gitte lays her hands on Gitte and utters a prayer. 144H 114V 1X 987C Exits:E> e An Abandoned Tunnel 144H 112V 1X 987C Exits:NW> n An Abandoned Tunnel 144H 110V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e An Abandoned Tunnel 144H 108V 1X 987C Exits:NW> n An Abandoned Tunnel Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. (flying) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here, fighting Mabel. (flying) Mabel is sitting here, fighting Viran. (flying) 144H 106V 1X 987C Exits:ES> n Iryakos flies east. 144H 106V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 144H 106V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Yado crashes into Mabel in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 144H 106V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel 144H 104V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. w An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. Gitte the Female Human is standing here, fighting Mabel. (flying) . . . is outlined with a dim aura. Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here, fighting Mabel. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here, fighting Mabel. (flying) Mabel is sitting here, fighting Viran. (flying) 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Hanne flies in from the south. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Gitte annihilates Mabel with her smite. Yado slashes Mabel extremely hard. Viran massacres Mabel with his crush. Mabel is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash mabel Mabel doesn't recover as you deliver the bash -- she is dead. Twinkling lights surround Mabel and she disappears. 144H 102V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:ES> Viran panics, and attempts to flee. Viran flies south. 144H 102V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:ES> Viran flies in from the south. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Viran flies east. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Iryakos flies in from the east. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e Hanne flies east. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Iryakos flies south. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Gitte flies east. A griffon flies east. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Viran flies in from the east. 144H 102V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You are sent sprawling as Viran crashes into you. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 121H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> Hanne flies in from the east. 121H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> Viran massacres YOU with his crush. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You cleave Viran extremely hard. 97H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> Iryakos flies in from the south. 97H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> Yado flies east. 97H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> flee Hanne misses Iryakos with her slash. 97H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> You are sent sprawling as Iryakos crashes into you. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 73H 102V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> Hanne misses Iryakos with her slash. Iryakos misses Hanne with her hit. Viran massacres YOU with his crush. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You massacre Viran with your cleave. 68H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> From a small monitor: Sancho says '4 down' 68H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> wig Hanne attempts to strike at Iryakos with her sword. Hanne misses Iryakos with her slash. 68H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:Bad] Exits:ES> Hanne misses Iryakos with her slash. Iryakos misses Hanne with her hit. Viran massacres YOU with his crush. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You cleave Viran extremely hard. 34H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:ES> You feel ribs crack as you are kicked in the chest by Viran. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 21H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:ES> Iryakos panics, and attempts to flee. Iryakos flies south. 21H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:ES> st Hanne flies south. 21H 130V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:ES> flee flee Viran massacres YOU with his crush. You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. -3H 130V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Someone kicks you in the head, caving in your skull and exposing your brain. You die quickly. Twinkling lights surround you and cover your body entirely. When they disappear, you find yourself somewhere else. Lie still, you are dead. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 705H 148V 1X 987C > Gitte arrives from a puff of smoke. ---------------------- Someone says 'gitte won' Sancho says '2nd place was' Sancho says 'viran' Sancho says '3rd place was hanne' ----------------------------------- Sancho says 'GO TIME NOW MOVE NORTH!' 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Gitte flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Viran says 'i will angry' 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Hanne leaves north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Yado flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Blutharsch flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Iryakos flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> n n Viran flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> Barbosa flies north. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:N> You feel much heavier. Arena Dispersal! Captain Barbosa, Undead Blood Sea Mutineer is standing here. (flying) Yado the Male Wild Elf is standing here. 705H 147V 1X 987C Exits:NESWUD> Trad flies in from the south. 705H 147V 1X 987C Exits:NESWUD> rem scorched.bracer wear scorched.bracer An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You stop using some lightly scorched bark bracers. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e You wear some lightly scorched bark bracers on your arms. Your skin thickens into a protective bark. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Iryakos arrives from the west. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> e Iryakos arrives from the west. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> s Trad flies in from the east. 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> s Alas, you cannot go that way... 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Iryakos arrives from the west. 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e s s Alas, you cannot go that way... Iryakos leaves east. 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad flies west. 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here. 705H 140V 1X 987C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 705H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> s e s Iryakos arrives from the north. 705H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 134V 1X 987C Exits:NS> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 705H 134V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 132V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> s An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 130V 1X 987C Exits:SW> e e An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 128V 1X 987C Exits:NE> s An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 126V 1X 987C Exits:SW> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 705H 126V 1X 987C Exits:SW> e An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 124V 1X 987C Exits:NE> n w Before The Abandoned Tunnels Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. Gitte the Female Human is standing here. 705H 122V 1X 987C Exits:W> Hanne leaves west. 705H 122V 1X 987C Exits:W> Gitte utters some strange words. Gitte shines with a holy light. 705H 122V 1X 987C Exits:W> n w Alas, you cannot go that way... 705H 122V 1X 987C Exits:W> n Alas, you cannot go that way... 705H 122V 1X 987C Exits:W> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 120V 1X 987C Exits:NE> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 118V 1X 987C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 116V 1X 987C Exits:NE> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 114V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 112V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w An Abandoned Tunnel Captain Barbosa, Undead Blood Sea Mutineer is standing here, fighting Frosten. (flying) Frosten the Male Human is sitting here, fighting Barbosa. 705H 110V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 108V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e An Abandoned Tunnel Captain Barbosa, Undead Blood Sea Mutineer is standing here, fighting Frosten. (flying) Frosten the Male Human is sitting here, fighting Barbosa. 705H 106V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash barbosa You crash into Barbosa in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 705H 106V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> The rules committee laughs at your wimpy legs. You feel less tired. You rise up off the ground. Barbosa appears rejuvenated. Barbosa rises up off the ground. Frosten appears rejuvenated. Frosten rises up off the ground. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the west. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne flies east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Barbosa massacres Frosten with his crush. Frosten slashes Barbosa very hard. Frosten slashes Barbosa very hard. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Frosten stands up. FROSTEN ---> stands up! 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Mabel flies in from the east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Frosten attacks Barbosa with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseless. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne massacres Barbosa with her slash. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Viran flies in from the west. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Trad flies in from the east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> disarm Viran flies east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne massacres Barbosa with her slash. You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Barbosa crushes Frosten extremely hard. Frosten slashes Barbosa extremely hard. Frosten massacres Barbosa with his slash. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Viran flies in from the east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Mabel steps aside as Viran attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. Frosten gazes at Barbosa with a look of evilness. Barbosa is paralyzed! 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> You fail to disarm Barbosa's weapon. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Mabel panics, and attempts to flee. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Good] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Trad swings madly at Frosten with an ancient green sword, cutting him a deep wound. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Barbosa says 'why me' 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Yado flies in from the west. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> Barbosa says 'fuck' 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:Fair] Exits:EW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. Trad massacres Frosten with his slash. Hanne annihilates Barbosa with her slash. You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Barbosa wavers under Frosten's mighty slash! Frosten annihilates Barbosa with his slash. Frosten slashes Barbosa hard. Barbosa says 'why me' 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne attempts to strike at Barbosa with her halberd. Hanne massacres Barbosa with her slash. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Mabel appears to be dancing around the room. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> bash hanne Barbosa says 'you fuckmmonkies' 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Sancho waves goodbye to Barbosa. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> You crash into Hanne in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Barbosa says 'jesus' 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Yado crashes into Frosten in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Mabel slowly fades into existence. Mabel comes out of hiding. Mabel massacres Frosten with her pierce. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Fair] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Mabel massacres Frosten with her pierce. Mabel pierces Frosten extremely hard. Yado massacres Frosten with his slash. Trad massacres Frosten with his slash. Hanne massacres Barbosa with her slash. You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Frosten slashes Barbosa extremely hard. Frosten slashes Barbosa very hard. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Bad] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Viran stands up. VIRAN ---> stands up! 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Bad] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Viran flies east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Bad] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Viran flies in from the east. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Bad] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Viran crashes into Barbosa in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Bad] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Trad charges at Mabel, but she managed to move away. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:Bad] [Barbosa:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Viran massacres Barbosa with his crush. Viran massacres Barbosa with his claw. Mabel massacres Frosten with her pierce. Mabel pierces Frosten very hard. Yado massacres Frosten with his slash. Trad massacres Frosten with his slash. Hanne massacres Barbosa with her slash. You massacre Barbosa with your cleave. Frosten slashes Barbosa extremely hard. Frosten slashes Barbosa very hard. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Awful] Exits:EW> Frosten steps aside as Yado attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 705H 148V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Frosten:V.Bad] [Barbosa:Awful] Exits:EW> Viran massacres Barbosa with his crush. Viran massacres Barbosa with his claw. Twinkling lights surround Barbosa and he disappears. Mabel pierces Frosten extremely hard. Mabel pierces Frosten extremely hard. Yado slashes Frosten extremely hard. Trad massacres Frosten with his slash. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne stands up. HANNE ---> stands up! 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Frosten stands up. FROSTEN ---> stands up! 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Frosten panics, and attempts to flee. Frosten flies west. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Viran rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Iryakos flies in from the west. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Viran flies west. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Mabel slowly fades into existence. Mabel comes out of hiding. Mabel gives her dagger a quick thrust and twist, as she strikes Iryakos in the back with it. 705H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w An Abandoned Tunnel Frosten the Male Human is standing here. (flying) 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e Viran flies in from the west. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Viran flies east. 705H 146V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here, fighting Mabel. (flying) Mabel is standing here, fighting Iryakos. (flying) Yado the Male Wild Elf is sitting here. (flying) Trad, Battle Squire is standing here. (flying) Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Mabel pierces Iryakos extremely hard. Mabel pierces Iryakos. Iryakos stabs Mabel extremely hard. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash mabel Hanne massacres Mabel with her slash. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Viran flies east. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad charges at Mabel, but she managed to move away. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Frosten flies in from the west. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Mabel in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Iryakos:Good] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Frosten flies east. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Iryakos:Good] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Viran flies in from the east. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Iryakos:Good] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Viran massacres Mabel with his crush. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Iryakos:Good] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Yado stands up. YADO ---> stands up! 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Iryakos:Good] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Iryakos panics, and attempts to flee. Iryakos flies east. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:Perfect] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Yado flies west. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:Perfect] [Mabel:Good] Exits:EW> Mabel pierces Trad very hard. Mabel pierces Trad hard. Viran massacres Mabel with his crush. Viran misses Mabel with his claw. You massacre Mabel with your cleave. Trad annihilates Mabel with his slash. Hanne annihilates Mabel with her slash. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Fair] Exits:EW> Hanne focuses her purity on Mabel's arm! Hanne forces Mabel to drop her weapon. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Fair] Exits:EW> Iryakos flies in from the east. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Fair] Exits:EW> Iryakos crashes into Mabel in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> Yado flies in from the west. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> Viran delivers a vicious kick to Mabel's face. Blood flies as her head snaps back. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Bad] Exits:EW> g all Iryakos massacres Mabel with her stab. Mabel misses Trad with her hit. Mabel pierces Trad very hard. Viran massacres Mabel with his crush. Viran massacres Mabel with his claw. You massacre Mabel with your cleave. Trad massacres Mabel with his slash. Hanne annihilates Mabel with her slash. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:EW> Yado flies east. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:EW> Hanne gets a crystal dagger. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Trad:V.Good] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:EW> You don't see what you are looking for here. Hanne attempts to strike at Mabel with her halberd. Hanne massacres Mabel with her slash. Mabel is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies in from the east. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:EW> kick Your kick at Mabel's head caves in her head, causing brains and bone to splatter with wet, crunching sounds. Twinkling lights surround Mabel and she disappears. 705H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Mabel:Awful] Exits:EW> Viran flies east. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e Blutharsch swings madly at Hanne with a mithril minotaur lajatang, knocking her to the ground. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> n Iryakos flies west. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad flies west. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Yado flies in from the east. 705H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 142V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel 705H 140V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n An Abandoned Tunnel Tasoth the Terrible is standing here. (flying) 705H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash tasoth You crash into Tasoth in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 705H 138V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Bad] Exits:NSW> Gitte flies in from the north. A griffon arrives from the north. 705H 138V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:V.Bad] Exits:NSW> Gitte massacres Tasoth with her smite. 705H 138V 1X 987C [Me:Perfect] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NSW> Gitte massacres Tasoth with her smite. You massacre Tasoth with your cleave. Tasoth slowly fades into existence. Tasoth massacres YOU with his pierce. Tasoth misses you with his pierce. 675H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NSW> Gitte attempts to strike at Tasoth with her hammer. Gitte massacres Tasoth with her smite. Tasoth is stunned, but will likely regain consciousness again. 675H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Tasoth:Awful] Exits:NSW> kick Gitte obliterates Tasoth with her smite. Twinkling lights surround Tasoth and he disappears. 675H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 675H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash gitte You crash into Gitte in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 675H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Gitte:V.Bad] Exits:NSW> You massacre Gitte with your cleave. Gitte smites YOU extremely hard. 658H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Gitte:V.Bad] Exits:NSW> You massacre Gitte with your cleave. Gitte smites YOU very hard. 645H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Gitte:V.Bad] Exits:NSW> bash You crash into Gitte in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 645H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Gitte:Awful] Exits:NSW> You massacre Gitte with your cleave. Gitte misses you with her smite. 645H 138V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Gitte:Awful] Exits:NSW> You massacre Gitte with your cleave. Gitte smites YOU very hard. 631H 138V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Gitte:Awful] Exits:NSW> bash TICK IN 10 SECONDS. You crash into Gitte in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 631H 138V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Gitte:Awful] Exits:NSW> Gitte deflects part of Vher's blow with her shield. You cleave Gitte very hard. Gitte misses you with her smite. 631H 138V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Gitte:Awful] Exits:NSW> You massacre Gitte with your cleave. Twinkling lights surround Gitte and she disappears. 631H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> Yado flies in from the north. 631H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> n Yado flies south. 631H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> n w An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 134V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 132V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w w An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 130V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 631H 128V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 126V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Iryakos flies in from the south. 631H 126V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 124V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s s s An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 122V 1X 987C Exits:NES> An Abandoned Tunnel Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) 631H 120V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 118V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 631H 116V 1X 987C Exits:ES> w s s Alas, you cannot go that way... 650H 141V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 139V 1X 987C Exits:NW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 650H 139V 1X 987C Exits:NW> n An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 137V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash viran e bash viran You couldn't find what you were looking for. 650H 137V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 135V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 650H 135V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> n bash viran An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 133V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 650H 133V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash viran An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 650H 131V 1X 987C Exits:NES> n An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 129V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash viran You couldn't find what you were looking for. 650H 129V 1X 987C Exits:NS> e n Alas, you cannot go that way... 650H 129V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash viran An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 127V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 650H 127V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e bash viran An Abandoned Tunnel Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here, fighting Yado. (flying) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here, fighting Yado. (flying) Yado the Male Wild Elf is sitting here, fighting Iryakos. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 650H 125V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Viran in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 650H 125V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Yado:V.Bad] [Viran:V.Good] Exits:EW> You massacre Viran with your cleave. Viran massacres Yado with his crush. Viran claws Yado extremely hard. Iryakos massacres Yado with her stab. Yado slashes Iryakos extremely hard. 650H 125V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Yado:Awful] [Viran:V.Good] Exits:EW> Iryakos crashes into Yado in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 650H 125V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Yado:Awful] [Viran:V.Good] Exits:EW> You cleave Viran very hard. Viran massacres Yado with his crush. Viran claws Yado extremely hard. Iryakos massacres Yado with her stab. Twinkling lights surround Yado and he disappears. 650H 125V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Viran:V.Good] Exits:EW> flee flee You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 650H 123V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 650H 123V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> w bash viran An Abandoned Tunnel Viran, Wielder of Viran is sitting here. (flying) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 650H 121V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Viran in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 650H 121V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Viran:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the west. 650H 121V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Viran:Good] Exits:EW> Iryakos crashes into Viran in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 650H 121V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Viran:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne annihilates Viran with her slash. 650H 121V 1X 987C [Me:V.Good] [Viran:Good] Exits:EW> Hanne massacres Viran with her slash. Iryakos massacres Viran with her stab. You massacre Viran with your cleave. Viran crushes YOU extremely hard. Viran misses you with his claw. 634H 121V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Viran:Fair] Exits:EW> flee flee Hanne annihilates Viran with her slash. Iryakos massacres Viran with her stab. You massacre Viran with your cleave. Viran crushes YOU extremely hard. Viran claws YOU very hard. 601H 121V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Viran:Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne focuses her purity on Viran's arm! Hanne focuses on Viran's arm, but is thwarted. 601H 121V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Viran:Bad] Exits:EW> You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 601H 119V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Blutharsch flies east. 601H 119V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 601H 119V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e bash viran An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here, fighting Viran. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is sitting here, fighting Iryakos. (flying) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is standing here, fighting Viran. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 601H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You try to bash Viran, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Fair] [Viran:Bad] Exits:EW> Iryakos crashes into Viran in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Fair] [Viran:Bad] Exits:EW> You cleave Viran extremely hard. Viran crushes Iryakos extremely hard. Viran misses Iryakos with his claw. Hanne annihilates Viran with her slash. Iryakos massacres Viran with her stab. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Fair] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:EW> st Hanne strikes at Viran, but misses completely. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Fair] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Blutharsch charges into Iryakos, but she manages to stay standing. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Fair] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Blutharsch massacres Iryakos with his cleave. You massacre Viran with your cleave. Viran massacres Iryakos with his crush. Viran claws Iryakos extremely hard. Hanne massacres Viran with her slash. Iryakos massacres Viran with her stab. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Bad] [Viran:Awful] Exits:EW> Hanne focuses harshly on Viran and utters some strange words. Hanne makes Viran's evil spirit shiver and suffer! 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Bad] [Viran:Awful] Exits:EW> You stand up. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Bad] [Viran:Awful] Exits:EW> Iryakos delivers a quick snap kick to Viran. Viran staggers and tries to recover. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Bad] [Viran:Awful] Exits:EW> Blutharsch massacres Iryakos with his cleave. You massacre Viran with your cleave. Viran massacres Iryakos with his crush. Viran claws Iryakos extremely hard. Iryakos massacres Viran with her stab. Twinkling lights surround Viran and he disappears. 601H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash iryakos You crash into Iryakos in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Good] [Iryakos:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne misses Iryakos with her slash. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Good] [Iryakos:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne misses Iryakos with her slash. You massacre Iryakos with your cleave. Iryakos stabs Blutharsch extremely hard. Blutharsch annihilates Iryakos with his cleave. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:EW> Blutharsch tries to barrel into Iryakos, but ends up falling flat on his face. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:EW> Hanne massacres Iryakos with her slash. You miss Iryakos with your cleave. Iryakos stabs Blutharsch extremely hard. Blutharsch misses Iryakos with his cleave. Hanne strikes at Iryakos, but misses completely. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:EW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. kick You deliver a snap kick and hit Iryakos in the chest. 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:EW> Iryakos stands up. IRYAKOS ---> stands up! 601H 117V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:EW> Iryakos panics, and attempts to flee. Iryakos flies west. 601H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w Blutharsch stands up. BLUTHARSCH ---> stands up! 601H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash iryakos Blutharsch flies west. 601H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 601H 115V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 601H 115V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 115V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s Blutharsch flies south. 601H 115V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s s bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 601H 113V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Blutharsch flies south. 601H 113V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 601H 111V 1X 987C Exits:NES> s An Abandoned Tunnel Trad, Battle Squire is resting here. (flying) 601H 109V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Blutharsch flies in from the north. 601H 109V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 601H 109V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 107V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> w s w s w s Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 107V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 105V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 103V 1X 987C Exits:NW> An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 101V 1X 987C Exits:ES> An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 99V 1X 987C Exits:NW> Before The Abandoned Tunnels 601H 97V 1X 987C Exits:E> Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 97V 1X 987C Exits:E> s You couldn't find what you were looking for. 601H 97V 1X 987C Exits:E> e e Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 97V 1X 987C Exits:E> n An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 95V 1X 987C Exits:NW> e n e Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 95V 1X 987C Exits:NW> An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 93V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e n An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 601H 91V 1X 987C Exits:NW> e n e n An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 89V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 601H 87V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Hanne flies east. 601H 87V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 601H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne flies east. 601H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 83V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e n An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 81V 1X 987C Exits:NS> e n Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 81V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash iryakos An Intersection Of Tunnels 601H 79V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 601H 79V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> n e An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 77V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e n Alas, you cannot go that way... 601H 77V 1X 987C Exits:EW> bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 601H 75V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> An Abandoned Tunnel 601H 73V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 601H 73V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s s An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 96V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 96V 1X 987C Exits:SW> e e Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 96V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s e Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 96V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s You couldn't find what you were looking for. 620H 96V 1X 987C Exits:SW> e bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 94V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 620H 92V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s e s An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 620H 88V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Blutharsch flies east. 620H 88V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 620H 86V 1X 987C Exits:SW> bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 84V 1X 987C Exits:NE> Iryakos flies in from the east. 620H 84V 1X 987C Exits:NE> An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 82V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 620H 82V 1X 987C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 80V 1X 987C Exits:NE> s e Before The Abandoned Tunnels Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> bash iryakos Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> w You couldn't find what you were looking for. 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> w n n w Alas, you cannot go that way... Hanne flies west. 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> bash iryakos Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 620H 78V 1X 987C Exits:W> n w An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 620H 76V 1X 987C Exits:NE> n bash iryakos w Hanne flies north. 620H 76V 1X 987C Exits:NE> Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 76V 1X 987C Exits:NE> An Abandoned Tunnel 620H 74V 1X 987C Exits:SW> n Alas, you cannot go that way... 620H 74V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w bash iryakos An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here, fighting Iryakos. (flying) Lady Iryakos, Gentle as the Light of Dawn is sitting here, fighting Blutharsch. (flying) 620H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> You try to bash Iryakos, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 620H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:NE> bash iryakos You massacre Iryakos with your cleave. Blutharsch massacres Iryakos with his cleave. Iryakos massacres Blutharsch with her stab. 620H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:NE> Hanne flies in from the north. 620H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:NE> Hanne attempts to strike at Iryakos with her halberd. Hanne massacres Iryakos with her slash. Iryakos is stunned, but will likely regain consciousness again. 620H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Iryakos:Awful] Exits:NE> Hanne obliterates Iryakos with her slash. Twinkling lights surround Iryakos and she disappears. 620H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> st Hanne massacres YOU with her slash. 598H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> Blutharsch charges at Hanne, but she managed to move away. 598H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You can't do that while sitting. 598H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You can't do that while sitting. 598H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You can't do that while sitting. 598H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. Hanne massacres YOU with her slash. You should probably stand up! Hanne raise her shield and blocks your blow. You can't do that while sitting. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> bash You can't do that while sitting. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You can't do that while sitting. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You can't do that while sitting. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You can't do that while sitting. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> st You can't do that while sitting. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You stand up. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Good] Exits:NE> You crash into Hanne in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 567H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Good] Exits:NE> Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. Hanne slashes YOU very hard. Hanne raise her shield and blocks your blow. 553H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Good] Exits:NE> flee flee Blutharsch yells a battle cry and fights like a madman! 553H 72V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Good] Exits:NE> Blutharsch comes to your rescue! You're thankful, but a bit dazed. Hanne massacres Blutharsch with her slash. Hanne blocks Blutharsch's blow with a quick raise of her shield. Blutharsch annihilates Hanne with his cleave. 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> You are already standing. 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> bash hanne You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? Hanne stands up. HANNE ---> stands up! 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> Hanne panics, and attempts to flee. Hanne flies east. 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> w Hanne flies in from the east. 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> Hanne flies north. 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> w Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> n Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 72V 1X 987C Exits:NE> n bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 70V 1X 987C Exits:SW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 70V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 553H 70V 1X 987C Exits:SW> n w Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 70V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w Blutharsch flies in from the south. 553H 70V 1X 987C Exits:SW> n An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 68V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 66V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 66V 1X 987C Exits:EW> n n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 553H 66V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 66V 1X 987C Exits:EW> n w Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 66V 1X 987C Exits:EW> n w An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 64V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 62V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 62V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n An Intersection Of Tunnels 553H 60V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 58V 1X 987C Exits:EW> n Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 58V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 58V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e An Intersection Of Tunnels 553H 56V 1X 987C Exits:NESW> e An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 54V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 553H 52V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash hanne You couldn't find what you were looking for. 553H 52V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> n n An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 50V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 48V 1X 987C Exits:SW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 48V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w w An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 46V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 44V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 553H 42V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Hanne in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 553H 42V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Fair] Exits:EW> You massacre Hanne with your cleave. Hanne misses you with her slash. 553H 42V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies in from the east. 553H 42V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch tries to barrel into Hanne, but ends up falling flat on his face. 553H 42V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Fair] Exits:EW> flee flee TICK IN 10 SECONDS. Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. Hanne deflects part of Vher's blow with her shield. You cleave Hanne very hard. Hanne misses you with her slash. 553H 42V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:Fair] Exits:EW> w bash hanne You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 553H 40V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 553H 40V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e Alas, you cannot go that way... 553H 40V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 553H 40V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is sitting here, fighting Hanne. (flying) Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here, fighting Blutharsch. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 553H 38V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You crash into Hanne in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Fair] Exits:EW> You cleave Hanne extremely hard. Blutharsch annihilates Hanne with his cleave. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Bad] Exits:EW> Blutharsch stands up. BLUTHARSCH ---> stands up! 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Bad] Exits:EW> Blutharsch tries to barrel into Hanne, but ends up falling flat on his face. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Bad] Exits:EW> You massacre Hanne with your cleave. Hanne massacres Blutharsch with her slash. Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Bad] Exits:EW> bash You try to bash Hanne, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Bad] Exits:EW> You miss Hanne with your cleave. Hanne massacres Blutharsch with her slash. Blutharsch annihilates Hanne with his cleave. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> st Blutharsch stands up. BLUTHARSCH ---> stands up! 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Blutharsch tries to barrel into Hanne, but ends up falling flat on his face. 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne stands up. HANNE ---> stands up! 553H 38V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne panics, and attempts to flee. Hanne flies east. 553H 38V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e e bash hanne The rules committee laughs at your wimpy legs. You feel less tired. You rise up off the ground. Blutharsch appears rejuvenated. Blutharsch rises up off the ground. 575H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You stand up. 575H 148V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 146V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 575H 144V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e s An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 142V 1X 987C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 140V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 575H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash hanne You couldn't find what you were looking for. 575H 138V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> s bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 575H 136V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 134V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 575H 134V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> e e An Abandoned Tunnel 575H 132V 1X 987C Exits:SW> bash hanne Alas, you cannot go that way... 575H 132V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s Hanne flies in from the south. 575H 132V 1X 987C Exits:SW> e You crash into Hanne in a bone crunching bash, sending her sprawling to the ground. 575H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> e s Trad flies in from the west. A water nymph arrives from the west. 575H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> You cleave Hanne extremely hard. Hanne slashes YOU very hard. 562H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 562H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch tries to barrel into Hanne, but ends up falling flat on his face. 562H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Sancho disintegrates a water nymph. A water nymph stops following Trad. A water nymph transcends this world and enters another plane. 562H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. Hanne raise her shield and blocks your blow. Hanne slashes YOU very hard. 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Trad tries to barrel into Hanne, but ends up falling flat on his face. 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> You can't do that while fighting. 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> You can't do that while fighting. 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> flee You can't do that while fighting. Hanne says 'laugh' 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> flee You can't do that while fighting. Hanne says 'gangbangers' 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Sancho tuts Trad disapprovingly: Tsk! Tsk! 549H 132V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:SW> You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 130V 1X 987C Exits:NE> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 549H 130V 1X 987C Exits:NE> e bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 128V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 128V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 126V 1X 987C Exits:NE> n bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is sitting here. (flying) Trad, Battle Squire is sitting here. (flying) 549H 124V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 124V 1X 987C Exits:SW> Blutharsch stands up. BLUTHARSCH ---> stands up! 549H 124V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 122V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Blutharsch flies in from the east. 549H 122V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 122V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 120V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 120V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 549H 118V 1X 987C Exits:NSW> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 116V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 114V 1X 987C Exits:SW> n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 114V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w w Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 114V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 112V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 110V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 549H 108V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 108V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w w An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 106V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 106V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 104V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 549H 102V 1X 987C Exits:NES> An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 549H 100V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s Blutharsch flies north. 549H 100V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 98V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash hanne n An Abandoned Tunnel Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is standing here. (flying) 549H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Hanne flies south. 549H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash hanne You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 96V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 94V 1X 987C Exits:NES> s You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 94V 1X 987C Exits:NES> s s bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 92V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Hanne flies in from the south. 549H 92V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Hanne flies north. 549H 92V 1X 987C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> s Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> n Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> Trad flies in from the west. 549H 90V 1X 987C Exits:NEW> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 88V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 88V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash hanne n An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 86V 1X 987C Exits:NES> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 86V 1X 987C Exits:NES> n An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 549H 84V 1X 987C Exits:NS> Blutharsch flies north. 549H 84V 1X 987C Exits:NS> bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 549H 82V 1X 987C Exits:ES> n You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 82V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash hanne Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 82V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Blutharsch flies east. 549H 82V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e e bash hanne You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 82V 1X 987C Exits:ES> bash hanne e An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 549H 80V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 78V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 78V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 549H 78V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> s An Abandoned Tunnel 549H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> s bash hanne s Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 549H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 549H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the east. 549H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e You try to bash Hanne, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 549H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Blutharsch charges at Hanne, but she managed to move away. 549H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Good] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> w Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. Hanne raise her shield and blocks your blow. Hanne massacres YOU with her slash. 528H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> st Trad flies in from the west. 528H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Hanne:V.Bad] Exits:EW> Hanne panics, and attempts to flee. Hanne flies west. 528H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the west. 528H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne flies east. 528H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. st bash trad You can't do that while sitting. Blutharsch flies east. 528H 76V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad swings madly at you with an ancient green sword, knocking you to the ground. 498H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Good] Exits:EW> Trad massacres YOU with his slash. You cleave Trad very hard. 477H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Good] Exits:EW> st You can't do that while sitting. 477H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Good] Exits:EW> You can't do that while sitting. 477H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Good] Exits:EW> flee You stand up. 477H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Good] Exits:EW> flee You are already standing. 477H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Good] Exits:EW> flee Trad massacres YOU with his slash. You cleave Trad extremely hard. You crash into Trad in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 453H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the east. 453H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Hanne flies west. 453H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the west. 453H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Trad massacres YOU with his slash. You massacre Trad with your cleave. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies in from the east. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Hanne massacres Trad with her slash. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies west. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch swings madly at Hanne with a mithril minotaur lajatang, knocking her to the ground. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> Blutharsch annihilates Hanne with his cleave. Hanne massacres Trad with her slash. Trad misses you with his slash. You massacre Trad with your cleave. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> You are already standing. 430H 76V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Trad:Fair] Exits:EW> You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 430H 74V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 430H 74V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 430H 74V 1X 987C Exits:SW> st You are already standing. 430H 74V 1X 987C Exits:SW> w bash hanne An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here, fighting Hanne. (flying) Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is sitting here, fighting Blutharsch. (flying) 430H 72V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne massacres Blutharsch with her slash. Blutharsch massacres Hanne with his cleave. The cloud-veiled sky becomes even darker as the sun sets. Timer now at 60 secs. You try to bash Hanne, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 449H 97V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Awful] Exits:EW> Trad flies in from the west. 449H 97V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Awful] Exits:EW> Hanne stands up. HANNE ---> stands up! 449H 97V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] [Hanne:Awful] Exits:EW> Hanne panics, and attempts to flee. Hanne flies west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad flies west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> st Hanne flies west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad flies in from the west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Hanne flies in from the west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Trad charges at Hanne, but she managed to move away. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> st Hanne panics, and attempts to flee. Hanne flies east. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> ki hanne e e ki hanne You stand up. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You are already standing. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> Blutharsch flies east. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> They aren't here. 449H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e ki hanne An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here, fighting Hanne. (flying) Lady Hanne An'Dunir, Blood Sea Dragonrider is lying here, stunned. 449H 95V 1X 987C Exits:SW> ki hanne e Alas, you cannot go that way... 449H 95V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You annihilate Hanne with your cleave. Twinkling lights surround Hanne and she disappears. 449H 95V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Hanne:Awful] Exits:SW> w bash trad Trad flies in from the west. Alas, you cannot go that way... 449H 95V 1X 987C Exits:SW> They aren't here. 449H 95V 1X 987C Exits:SW> They aren't here. 449H 95V 1X 987C Exits:SW> Alas, you cannot go that way... 449H 95V 1X 987C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel 449H 93V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 449H 93V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e bash trad An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 449H 91V 1X 987C Exits:SW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 449H 91V 1X 987C Exits:SW> s Blutharsch charges at you, but you manage to move away. 449H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] Exits:SW> bash trad You can't do that while fighting. 449H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] Exits:SW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 449H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] Exits:SW> bash You crash into Blutharsch in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 449H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] Exits:SW> Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You massacre Blutharsch with your cleave. 417H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Fair] Exits:SW> g granite.axe pack rem shield hold granite.axe put shield pack Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You massacre Blutharsch with your cleave. 392H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> You get a sturdy granite hand axe from a hermit's pack. 392H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> You stop using a crimson shield of the wyrmgaard. 392H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> You start using the axe as a secondary weapon. 392H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> parry Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You miss Blutharsch with your cleave. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> A crimson shield of the wyrmgaard won't fit. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> You attempt to block your opponent's attacks. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch stands up. BLUTHARSCH ---> stands up! 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch appears to get angry for a second. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch yells a battle cry and fights like a madman! 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch charges at you, but you manage to move away. 363H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Fair] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch deftly avoids your parry. Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. You cleave Blutharsch extremely hard. 335H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Blutharsch:Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. Blutharsch deftly avoids your parry. Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You cleave Blutharsch extremely hard. 308H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch charges at you, but you manage to move away. 308H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> TICK IN 10 SECONDS. Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. You go back on the offensive. You massacre Blutharsch with your cleave. You barely cleave Blutharsch. 308H 91V 1X 987C [Me:Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> parry Blutharsch barrels into you with his charge, but you manage to stay on your feet. 279H 91V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You cleave Blutharsch extremely hard. You cleave Blutharsch hard. You attempt to block your opponent's attacks. 249H 91V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch swings madly at you with a mithril minotaur lajatang, knocking you to the ground. 220H 91V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. Blutharsch is dazzled by your dexterity, as you parry his feeble swing. You go back on the offensive. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. 220H 91V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> st Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. Blutharsch annihilates YOU with his cleave. You cleave Blutharsch extremely hard. You miss Blutharsch with your cleave. The darkness marks the end of another day. Timer now at 60 secs. The lightning has stopped. Timer now at 60 secs. 173H 119V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> parry You stand up. 173H 119V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> You fail the parry attempt! 173H 119V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch charges at you, but you manage to move away. 173H 119V 1X 987C [Me:V.Bad] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You cleave Blutharsch extremely hard. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. 124H 119V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:SW> flee flee You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 124H 117V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w w An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 115V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> w An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 124H 113V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 111V 1X 987C Exits:ES> s s An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 109V 1X 987C Exits:NS> s An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 107V 1X 987C Exits:NES> An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 105V 1X 987C Exits:NS> ki blutharsch They aren't here. 124H 105V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n n An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 103V 1X 987C Exits:NES> n An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 101V 1X 987C Exits:NS> n ki blutharsch An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 99V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Alas, you cannot go that way... 124H 99V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e They aren't here. 124H 99V 1X 987C Exits:ES> e e ki blutharsch An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 124H 97V 1X 987C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 124H 95V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 93V 1X 987C Exits:EW> They aren't here. 124H 93V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w ki blutharsch An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 91V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> They aren't here. 124H 91V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> w ki blutharsch Blutharsch flies in from the west. 124H 91V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 124H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e They aren't here. 124H 89V 1X 987C Exits:EW> e ki blutharsch An Abandoned Tunnel Blutharsch the Male Goblin is standing here. (flying) 124H 87V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> They aren't here. 124H 85V 1X 987C Exits:EW> w ki blutharsch An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 83V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> They aren't here. 124H 83V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> w ki blutharsch The rules committee laughs at your wimpy legs. You feel less tired. You rise up off the ground. 124H 148V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> Blutharsch flies in from the west. 124H 148V 1X 987C Exits:ESW> w An Abandoned Tunnel A robust griffon paces gently while waiting for a rider. 124H 146V 1X 987C Exits:EW> They aren't here. 124H 146V 1X 987C Exits:EW> ki blutharsch An Abandoned Tunnel 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> ki blutharsch ki blutharsch They aren't here. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> ki blutharsch They aren't here. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> ki blutharsch They aren't here. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> They aren't here. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> ki blutharsch ki blutharsch Trad flies in from the south. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> They aren't here. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> ki blutharsch Blutharsch flies in from the east. 124H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You massacre Blutharsch with your cleave. 124H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:ES> Blutharsch barrels into you with his charge, but you manage to stay on your feet. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 95H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Blutharsch:V.Bad] Exits:ES> ki blutharsch You cleave Blutharsch extremely hard. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 71H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Blutharsch:Awful] Exits:ES> Trad swings madly at you with an ancient green sword, cutting deep into your flesh. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 45H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Blutharsch:Awful] Exits:ES> parry st You do the best you can! 45H 144V 1X 987C [Me:Awful] [Blutharsch:Awful] Exits:ES> Trad massacres YOU with his slash. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You miss Blutharsch with your cleave. You cleave Blutharsch very hard. Blutharsch massacres YOU with his cleave. You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. You're too busy dying right now, sorry! -6H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> flee You're too busy dying right now, sorry! -6H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You're too busy dying right now, sorry! -6H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You're too busy dying right now, sorry! -6H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> You're too busy dying right now, sorry! -6H 144V 1X 987C Exits:ES> Someone obliterates YOU with their slash. Twinkling lights surround you and cover your body entirely. When they disappear, you find yourself somewhere else. Lie still, you are dead. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! --- Someone says 'vher got 2nd place' Someone says '3rd place was iryakos' Someone says 'trad won' Someone says 'thanks for playing!' 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