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(*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls SF dies again POV: Log Rating: 0.0000 SF and Renshai fought at bard, after SF died, shadow masslogged so we scrammed. 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Cho tells your group 'where they?' 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Magra tells your group 'delamar hastes' 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Tzaddi closes his spellbook with a content look on his face. The lightning has stopped. 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Magra tells your group 'he is probably hasting them' 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Aieo tells your group 'they coming from tarsis area?' 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Bertil shouts 'Stupid people are to be feared.... --> Fear me!!!!' 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Alotta tells your group 'they coming form s' 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Revo flies in from the west. Segmon flies in from the west. Clark flies in from the west. Hopkins flies in from the west. Michelle flies in from the west. Kiwi flies in from the west. Helion flies in from the west. 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Magra crashes into Helion in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Michelle crashes into Magra in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Segmon crashes into Hong in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Clark slowly fades into existence. Cho steps aside as Clark attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Kiwi crashes into Emili in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Hopkins crashes into Alotta in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C Exits:ESW> Revo raises the horn of resounding and blows forth a fire storm. Revo misses Tzaddi and destroys an image instead. Flames from the horn appear above Aieo, but do him no harm. Flames from the horn appear above Hong, but do him no harm. Flames from the horn appear above you, doing you no harm. Huge flames burn Rogers from above. Flames from the horn appear above Emili, but do her no harm. Huge flames burn Cecil from above. Huge flames burn Diddy from above. Flames from the horn appear above Magra, but do him no harm. Flames from the horn appear above Alotta, but do her no harm. Flames from the horn appear above Umbata, but do him no harm. Flames from the horn appear above Cho, but do him no harm. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Perfect] Exits:ESW> cast 'ice storm'You utter the words, 'ice storm' Helion is shredded by shards of ice. Kiwi is shredded by shards of ice. Michelle is shredded by shards of ice. Hopkins is shredded by shards of ice. Clark is shredded by shards of ice. Segmon is shredded by shards of ice. Revo is shredded by shards of ice. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Diddy says 'haste will leave' 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Diddy crashes into Revo in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Good] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Umbata utters some strange words. Umbata's hands send forth blinding rays of sunlight! Helion withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Kiwi withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Michelle withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs her! Hopkins withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Clark withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Segmon withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Revo withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Good] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Aieo utters some strange words. Aieo's hands issue a spray of prismatic color! Helion is blasted by a spray of scintillating blue! Kiwi is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Michelle is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Hopkins is hit by a spray of gleaming indigo! Hopkins's face goes blank and he begins to drool. Clark is blasted by a spray of scintillating blue! Segmon is caught in a spray of bright orange! Revo is caught in a spray of bright orange! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Devo flies in from the west. Lexi flies in from the west. Sulie flies in from the west. Fasolt flies in from the west. Chupubucabra flies in from the west. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Diddy massacres Revo with his smite. Cecil slowly fades into existence. Cecil massacres Revo with his pierce. Rogers misses Revo with his cleave. Revo misses Tzaddi and destroys an image instead. Hopkins massacres Alotta with his cleave. Hopkins cleaves Alotta extremely hard. Alotta whips Hopkins hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Emili misses Kiwi with her hit. Clark slashes Cho hard. Cho smites Clark extremely hard. Segmon cleaves Hong extremely hard. Hong slashes Segmon extremely hard. Michelle slashes Magra very hard. Magra massacres Helion with his stab. Helion stabs Magra extremely hard. Helion massacres Magra with his stab. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Chupubucabra focuses harshly on Aieo and utters some strange words. Chupubucabra slowly fades into existence. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Chupubucabra's force bolt slams into Aieo. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Lexi focuses harshly on Alotta and utters the words, 'silence'. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Fasolt focuses harshly on Emili and utters the words, 'silence'. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi utters some strange words. Tzaddi's hands issue a spray of color! Chupubucabra is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Fasolt is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Sulie is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Lexi is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Lexi seems weaker. Lexi is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Devo is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Helion is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Kiwi is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Kiwi is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Michelle is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Hopkins is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Clark is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Segmon is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Revo is caught in a spray of shimmering red! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Rogers crashes into Sulie in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Cho crashes into Chupubucabra in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> Devo focuses harshly on you and utters the words, 'paralysis'. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> cast 'light' Hopkins crashes into Alotta in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ESW> You utter the words, 'lightning storm' Chupubucabra staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Fasolt staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Sulie staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Lexi staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Devo staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Helion staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Kiwi staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Michelle staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Hopkins staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Clark staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Segmon staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Revo staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:mPerfect] [Revo:Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Cecil points a sphere towards Lexi and a flurry of snow pours forth. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Umbata focuses on Aieo and utters some strange words. Umbata heals Aieo. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Aieo steps aside as Kiwi attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Aieo utters some strange words. Aieo's hands issue a spray of prismatic color! Chupubucabra is struck by a spray of murky violet! Fasolt is caught in a spray of bright orange! Sulie is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Sulie is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Lexi is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Devo is caught in a spray of bright orange! Helion is caught in a spray of bright orange! Kiwi is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Kiwi is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Michelle is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Hopkins is hit by a spray of gleaming indigo! Clark is blasted by a spray of scintillating blue! Clark freezes in place. Segmon is struck by a spray of murky violet! Revo is blasted by a spray of scintillating blue! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Perfect] [Revo:Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Lexi misses Tzaddi and destroys an image instead. Lexi bludgeons Tzaddi. Lexi is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Sulie misses Tzaddi with her hit. Fasolt slowly fades into existence. Fasolt misses Tzaddi and destroys an image instead. Chupubucabra whips Tzaddi hard. Chupubucabra is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Diddy massacres Revo with his smite. Cecil massacres Revo with his pierce. Rogers massacres Revo with his cleave. Revo cleaves Tzaddi extremely hard. Revo is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Revo misses Tzaddi with his cleave. Hopkins massacres Alotta with his cleave. Hopkins's mightly cleave almost cuts Alotta in two. Hopkins massacres Alotta with his cleave. Alotta whips Hopkins very hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Kiwi massacres Emili with his stab. Emili misses Kiwi with her hit. Cho massacres Clark with his smite. Segmon cleaves Hong extremely hard. Segmon cleaves Hong extremely hard. Hong slashes Segmon extremely hard. Michelle slashes Magra extremely hard. Magra massacres Helion with his stab. Helion massacres Magra with his stab. Helion stabs Magra extremely hard. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Magra stands up. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> cast 'light' Lexi focuses on Devo and utters some strange words. Lexi heals Devo. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Fasolt focuses on Revo and utters some strange words. Fasolt heals Revo. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Magra crashes into Helion in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Revo steps aside as Diddy attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Hong steps aside as Segmon attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. Hong stands up. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Michelle crashes into Magra in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Hong crashes into Lexi in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Emili stands up. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> Emili focuses on you and utters some strange words. Your entire body tingles for a few seconds. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:V.Good] Mem:3 Exits:ESW> You utter the words, 'lightning storm' Chupubucabra staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Fasolt staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Storm clouds boil, and numerous bolts of lightning flash from the sky, frying Sulie to a cinder. You receive 0 experience. Sulie is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseLexi staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Devo staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Helion staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Kiwi staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Michelle staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Hopkins staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Clark staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Segmon staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. Revo staggers under the assault of the lightning bolts you have summoned from the cloud filled sky. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:[0;37mPerfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> The death cry of Sulie echoes from somewhere nearby... Sulie stops following Lexi. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Devo gets a very large pile of coins from the corpse of Sulie. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Kiwi stands up. 317H 120V 1494C [Me:Perfect] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Devo utters the words, 'ice storm'. Tzaddi is shredded by shards of ice. Devo destroys Aieo's mirror images. Aieo is shredded by shards of ice. Hong is shredded by shards of ice. Your body is torn by huge pieces of ice. Rogers is shredded by shards of ice. Emili is shredded by shards of ice. Cecil is shredded by shards of ice. Diddy is shredded by shards of ice. Magra is shredded by shards of ice. Alotta is shredded by shards of ice. Umbata is shredded by shards of ice. Cho is shredded by shards of ice. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Umbata utters some strange words. Umbata's hands send forth blinding rays of sunlight! Umbata turns Chupubucabra to ashes with brilliant rays of sunlight. You receive 0 experience. Chupubucabra is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseFasolt withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Fasolt seems to be blinded! Lexi withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Devo withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Helion withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Kiwi withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Michelle withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs her! Hopkins withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Clark withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Clark seems to be blinded! Segmon withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Revo withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Alotta steps aside as Hopkins attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Good] [Revo:Good] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Diddy smites Revo extremely hard. Cecil massacres Revo with his pierce. Rogers cleaves Revo extremely hard. Aieo pierces Revo very hard. Revo cleaves Tzaddi extremely hard. Revo is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Revo cleaves Tzaddi extremely hard. Revo is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Hopkins massacres Alotta with his cleave. Hopkins annihilates Alotta with his cleave. Alotta whips Hopkins very hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Cho smites Clark extremely hard. Segmon cleaves Hong very hard. Segmon cleaves Hong hard. Hong slashes Segmon extremely hard. Michelle slashes Magra extremely hard. Magra massacres Helion with his stab. Helion massacres Magra with his stab. Helion misses Magra with his stab. The death cry of Chupubucabra echoes from somewhere nearby... Chupubucabra stops following Lexi. Aieo utters some strange words. Aieo's hands issue a spray of prismatic color! Fasolt is hit by a spray of gleaming indigo! Fasolt is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Lexi is struck by a spray of murky violet! Lexi is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Devo is blasted by a spray of scintillating blue! Helion is caught in a spray of bright orange! Helion seems to be blinded! Kiwi is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Michelle is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Michelle is hit by a spray of gleaming indigo! Hopkins is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Clark is blasted by a spray of scintillating blue! A spray of indigo flows over Clark, ripping out his mind. You receive 0 experience. Clark is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseSegmon is caught in a spray of bright orange! Revo is caught in a spray of bright orange! 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> The death cry of Clark echoes from somewhere nearby... Clark stops following Revo. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi utters some strange words. Tzaddi's hands issue a spray of color! Fasolt is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Lexi is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Lexi is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. A spray of red rips Lexi into tiny crimson shreds. Lexi is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseDevo is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Helion is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Helion is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Kiwi is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Michelle is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Hopkins is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Segmon is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Revo is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Kiwi gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Clark. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> The death cry of Lexi echoes from somewhere nearby... Lexi stops following Devo. Fasolt stops following Lexi. Fasolt now follows Devo. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Kiwi gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Lexi. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Helion says 'ok' 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> cast 'ice storm' Cho crashes into Fasolt in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Helion stands up. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Magra steps aside as Helion attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Segmon stands up. Revo stands up. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Revo crashes into Alotta in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a shaman's staff a thick black robe dual crimson gauntlets of ogre power some black legplates of the Skull a dwarf skull a set of hard black leather armour a bloody axe shaped medallion a merchant amulet a wooden ring an obsidian ring a glowing scroll of glows dimly [3] a corked flask of swamp gas a small wooden chest 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a shaman's staff a thick black robe dual crimson gauntlets of ogre power some black legplates of the Skull a dwarf skull a set of hard black leather armour a bloody axe shaped medallion a merchant amulet a wooden ring an obsidian ring a glowing scroll of glows dimly [3] a corked flask of swamp gas a small wooden chest 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a shaman's staff a thick black robe dual crimson gauntlets of ogre power some black legplates of the Skull a dwarf skull a set of hard black leather armour a bloody axe shaped medallion a merchant amulet a wooden ring an obsidian ring a glowing scroll of glows dimly [3] a corked flask of swamp gas a small wooden chest Emili utters some strange words. Emili heals Emili. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Hopkins stands up. It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a shaman's staff a thick black robe dual crimson gauntlets of ogre power some black legplates of the Skull a dwarf skull a set of hard black leather armour a bloody axe shaped medallion a merchant amulet a wooden ring an obsidian ring a glowing scroll of glows dimly [3] a corked flask of swamp gas a small wooden chest 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Segmon crashes into Hong in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Fair] [Revo:Fair] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Cho massacres Fasolt with his smite. Fasolt is stunned, but will likely regain consciousness again. Devo misses Tzaddi with his hit. Umbata crushes Revo. Diddy smites Revo hard. Cecil pierces Revo extremely hard. Rogers cleaves Revo extremely hard. You pierce Revo. Revo cleaves Tzaddi extremely hard. Revo is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Revo massacres Tzaddi with his cleave. Revo is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Hopkins massacres Alotta with his cleave. Hopkins massacres Alotta with his cleave. Alotta whips Hopkins hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Segmon massacres Hong with his cleave. Hong slashes Segmon extremely hard. Michelle massacres Magra with her slash. Magra massacres Helion with his stab. Helion massacres Magra with his stab. Helion misses Magra with his stab. You can't remember how to cast that spell! 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Bad] [Revo:Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Umbata focuses on Aieo and utters some strange words. Umbata heals Aieo. Aieo gets a shaman's staff from the corpse of Lexi. Aieo gets a thick black robe from the corpse of Lexi. Aieo gets dual crimson gauntlets of ogre power from the corpse of Lexi. 287H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:Bad] [Revo:Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi gets some black legplates of the Skull from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a dwarf skull from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a set of hard black leather armour from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a bloody axe shaped medallion from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a merchant amulet from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a wooden ring from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets an obsidian ring from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a corked flask of swamp gas from the corpse of Lexi. Tzaddi gets a small wooden chest from the corpse of Lexi. Devo utters the words, 'ice storm'. Tzaddi is shredded by shards of ice. Aieo is shredded by shards of ice. Hong is shredded by shards of ice. Your body is torn by huge pieces of ice. Rogers is shredded by shards of ice. Emili is shredded by shards of ice. Cecil is shredded by shards of ice. Diddy is shredded by shards of ice. Magra is shredded by shards of ice. Alotta is shredded by shards of ice. Umbata is shredded by shards of ice. Cho is shredded by shards of ice. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:33mBad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Blaze shouts 'then we should all fear gringe a whole lot' 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Cecil raises a black ice sphere and it turns dark in his hands. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Revo steps aside as Rogers attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Aieo utters some strange words. Aieo's hands issue a spray of prismatic color! A spray of blue engulfs Fasolt and he convulses and dies. You receive 0 experience. Fasolt is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseDevo is caught in a spray of shimmering red! Helion is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Kiwi is caught in a spray of bright orange! Michelle is hit by a spray of gleaming indigo! Hopkins is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Hopkins is hit by a spray of gleaming indigo! A spray of indigo flows over Segmon, ripping out his mind. You receive 0 experience. Segmon is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseRevo is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Diddy stands up. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> cast 'insect'It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi gets a long black steel scimitar from the corpse of Clark. Tzaddi gets a long grey robe from the corpse of Clark. Tzaddi gets a fire-blasted shield from the corpse of Clark. Tzaddi gets thin golden dragonscale armplates from the corpse of Clark. Tzaddi gets the grey robes of the Thorn from the corpse of Clark. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> The death cry of Fasolt echoes from somewhere nearby... Fasolt stops following Devo. The death cry of Segmon echoes from somewhere nearby... Segmon stops following Revo. Diddy crashes into Michelle in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a steel voulge a filthy leather bracer a cloth belt pack a kender backpack a white steel dragonarmy shield a pair of steel scaled boots a suit of marble glows dimly a cat's eye agate ring a plain gold ring a large pile of coins a glass eyedropper a glowing scroll of glows dimly a bowl of tasty wheat [2] a glowing scroll of glows dimly [3] a milky potion of see invisible [2] a small wooden chest a waterskin [2] a brass lamp 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:4 Exits:ESW> Your casting is disrupted by the fighting! 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:5 Exits:ESW> Hopkins panics, and attempts to flee. Hopkins flies west. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:5 Exits:ESW> cast 'insect'You utter the words, 'insect swarm' A huge swarm of biting, stinging insects fills the air. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Revo crashes into Tzaddi in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Helion stands up. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:V.Bad] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Your swarm of insects covers Devo, leaving bloody bites over his flesh. Your swarm of insects covers Helion, leaving bloody bites over his flesh. Your swarm of insects covers Kiwi, leaving bloody bites over his flesh. Michelle seems unaffected by your swarm of insects. Your swarm of insects covers Revo, leaving bloody bites over his flesh. Diddy smites Revo extremely hard. Cecil pierces Revo extremely hard. Rogers cleaves Revo extremely hard. Revo cleaves Tzaddi extremely hard. Revo is burned, as he swings at Tzaddi. Tzaddi smites Revo hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Kiwi stabs Emili extremely hard. Emili misses Kiwi with her hit. Michelle massacres Magra with her slash. Magra stabs Helion extremely hard. Helion misses Magra with his stab. 254H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Emili focuses on you and utters some strange words. Your entire body tingles for a few seconds. 313H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> cast 'insect' Umbata utters some strange words. Umbata's hands send forth blinding rays of sunlight! Devo withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Devo seems to be blinded! Umbata turns Helion to ashes with brilliant rays of sunlight. You receive 0 experience. Helion is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseKiwi withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! Michelle withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs her! Michelle seems to be blinded! Revo withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Umbata engulfs him! 313H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Cecil raises a black ice sphere and it turns dark in his hands. 313H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Kiwi gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Segmon. 313H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> The death cry of Helion echoes from somewhere nearby... Helion stops following Revo. 313H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Kiwi holds up a gnomish device and grins. Kiwi disappears. 313H 120V 1494C [Me:V.Good] [Tzaddi:V.Bad] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Aieo gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a black metal pike from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a travelling component pouch from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a wooden shield from the corpse of Helion. Aieo is zapped by a pair of spiked battle armets and instantly drops it. Aieo gets a pair of steel gauntlets from the corpse of Helion. Aieo is zapped by a blood red helmet and instantly drops it. Aieo gets a hematite pendant from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a tarnished iron ring of the watch from the corpse of Helion. Aieo is zapped by a loop of darkness and instantly drops it. Aieo gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a glass eyedropper from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a small canteen from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a small canteen from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a small red die from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a tinsmith's hammer from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a bowl of tasty wheat from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a bowl of tasty wheat from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a milky potion of see invisible from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Helion. Aieo gets a long sword from the corpse of Helion. Devo utters the words, 'ice storm'. Tzaddi is shredded by shards of ice. Aieo is shredded by shards of ice. Hong is shredded by shards of ice. Your body is torn by huge pieces of ice. Rogers is shredded by shards of ice. Emili is shredded by shards of ice. Cecil is shredded by shards of ice. Diddy is shredded by shards of ice. Magra is shredded by shards of ice. Alotta is torn to pieces by hundreds of shards of ice. Alotta is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseUmbata is shredded by shards of ice. Cho is shredded by shards of ice. 280H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:Awful] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> The death cry of Alotta echoes from somewhere nearby... Alotta stops following Cho. Magra gets a pile of coins from the corpse of Alotta. 280H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:Awful] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Aieo gets a flask of mineral water from the corpse of Alotta. 280H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:Awful] [Revo:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:ESW> Aieo utters some strange words. Aieo's hands issue a spray of prismatic color! Devo is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! Michelle is struck by a spray of vibrant green! Revo is caught in a spray of radiant yellow! You utter the words, 'insect swarm' A huge swarm of biting, stinging insects fills the air. Cho crashes into Revo in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 280H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:Awful] [Revo:Awful] Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra stands up. 280H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:Awful] [Revo:Awful] Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Cecil raises a black ice sphere and it turns dark in his hands. 280H 120V 1494C [Me:Good] [Tzaddi:Awful] [Revo:Awful] Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Your swarm of insects covers Devo, leaving bloody bites over his flesh. Michelle seems unaffected by your swarm of insects. Revo seems unaffected by your swarm of insects. Devo seems unaffected by your swarm of insects. Your swarm of insects covers Michelle, leaving bloody bites over her flesh. Your swarm of insects covers Revo, leaving bloody bites over his flesh. Cho smites Devo very hard. Emili bruises Devo with her hit. Hong slashes Devo extremely hard. Magra massacres Michelle with his stab. You receive 0 experience. Michelle is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseDiddy massacres Revo with his smite. You receive 0 experience. Revo is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseThe death cry of Michelle echoes from somewhere nearby... Michelle sinks gently to the ground. Michelle stops following Revo. The death cry of Revo echoes from somewhere nearby... Revo stops following Devo. Hopkins stops following Revo. Hopkins now follows Devo. Kiwi stops following Revo. Kiwi now follows Devo. 280H 120V 1494C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Revo. 280H 120V 1494C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra divides 22 coins equally among the group members present. 280H 120V 1496C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Emili focuses on Tzaddi and utters some strange words. Emili heals Tzaddi. 280H 120V 1496C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> cast 'insect' Umbata focuses on Aieo and utters some strange words. Umbata heals Aieo. 280H 120V 1496C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra divides 176 coins equally among the group members present. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Diddy is zapped by a horn of resounding and instantly drops it. Diddy gets a great war axe from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a three-strap leather bracer from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a borrowed kender's pouch from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a black ice shield from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a glass eyedropper from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a purple robe with silver runes from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a tube of amber salve from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a scribed scroll from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a scribed scroll from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a waterskin from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a small canteen from the corpse of Revo. Diddy gets a small canteen from the corpse of Revo. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Cecil stops using a black ice sphere. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Rogers stands up. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi stands up. Hong stands up. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi utters some strange words. It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Cecil starts holding a hooked blood dagger. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : Hong crashes into Devo in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Rogers crashes into Devo in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Devo is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> You can't remember how to cast that spell! 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Devo seems unaffected by your swarm of insects. Devo is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. You watch in morbid fascination as your insect swarm devours Devo's life. You receive 0 experience. Devo is dead! R.I.P. exa corpseThe death cry of Devo echoes from somewhere nearby... Kiwi stops following Devo. Hopkins stops following Devo. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra gets a very large pile of coins from the corpse of Devo. 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a pair of crystal crimson armbands some oakenwood gloves a pair of woodsman's boots a pair of electrum hair braid tassels a beaded leather glows dimly an amber glows dimly a small draconian ring a black runed ring a pineal gland a sprig of spearmint a glass eyedropper a brown peaty potion a small wooden chest a glowing scroll of glows dimly [2] 280H 120V 1512C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra divides 5159 coins equally among the group members present. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> l Diddy gets a pair of crystal crimson armbands from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets some oakenwood gloves from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a pair of woodsman's boots from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a pair of electrum hair braid tassels from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a beaded leather necklace from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets an amber necklace from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a small draconian ring from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a black runed ring from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a pineal gland from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a sprig of spearmint from the corpse of Devo. Diddy gets a glass eyedropper from the corpse of Devo. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> On a Cool Road Amidst the cool breezes and verdant expanses of grasses is this cool road. Composed of mulch and dark black soil, the road curves east towards the Khurman Sea and south towards the Khalkist mountains. This seems to be a favored resting place of travelers, as there are several charred circles near the path here where the grass grows shorter. A large apple tree provides shade over these campsites, as well as food and protection from the elements. The cool breeze continues, undaunted, rolling in off of the waves of the Khurman Sea, making you feel relaxed if but for a moment. The corpse of Devo is lying here. A small horn made from purest ivory hangs in the air on a bed of magic here. The corpse of Revo is lying here. The corpse of Michelle is lying here. A swarm of insects fills the area. The corpse of Alotta is lying here. A small circle of blackness pulsates in the light. (invisible) glows dimly A blood red piece of animal hide lies discarded on the ground. A spiked pair of battle armets lies glows dimly The corpse of Helion is lying here. A swarm of insects fills the area. The corpse of Segmon is lying here. The corpse of Fasolt is lying here. The corpse of Lexi is lying here. The corpse of Clark is lying here. The corpse of Chupubucabra is lying here. The corpse of Sulie is lying here. A large colorful toadstool grows here. [2] A beer barrel has been left here. A large colorful toadstool grows here. [3] A delicious turkey leg sits on a plate here. A bowl of some thick slop is sitting here, steaming. [13] A wooden signpost has been hammered into the ground here. A large tree of ripe apples grows here. Tzaddi, Arcane Snake Slowly Climbing the Tree of Life is standing here. (flying) . . . is enveloped in flames. Aieo U. A Death, Renshai is standing here. (flying) . . . is followed by a hovering ball of light. Hong Kong Renshai Hits from the Bong is standing here. (flying) Mr. Rogers, Cardigan Wearing Renshai is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. Emili la Ru, Renshai's Black Armadillo for Covert Operations is standing here. (flying) Cecil B. Demented, Renshai Armadillo of TeamCecil is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Diddy Kong, High Mascot of Krynn is standing here. (flying) Magra, Teaching Renshai How To Read is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. Umbata Renshai, One Two Three Not IT is standing here. . . . has a tough exterior. Cho Gunn, Divine Servant of Modi is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Aieo utters some strange words. Aieo's hands issue a spray of prismatic color! 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Umbata focuses on Aieo and utters some strange words. Umbata heals Aieo. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> gt LOOTYou tell your group 'LOOT' 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Tzaddi utters some strange words. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Emili gets a waterskin from her chest. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra gets a brown peaty potion from the corpse of Devo. Magra gets a small wooden chest from the corpse of Devo. Magra gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Devo. Magra gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Devo. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> GT DONT SHOUTYou tell your group 'DONT SHOUT' 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> GT DONT SHOUTYou tell your group 'DONT SHOUT' 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> GT DONT SHOUTGT DONT SHOUTYou tell your group 'DONT SHOUT' 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> You tell your group 'DONT SHOUT' 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Emili gets a platinum gilt claymore from the corpse of Fasolt. Emili gets a gleaming silver bracer from the corpse of Fasolt. Emili gets a pair of platinum gilt arm plates from the corpse of Fasolt. Emili gets a wooden ring from the corpse of Fasolt. Emili gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Fasolt. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Umbata focuses on Tzaddi and utters some strange words. Umbata heals Tzaddi. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> lOn a Cool Road Amidst the cool breezes and verdant expanses of grasses is this cool road. Composed of mulch and dark black soil, the road curves east towards the Khurman Sea and south towards the Khalkist mountains. This seems to be a favored resting place of travelers, as there are several charred circles near the path here where the grass grows shorter. A large apple tree provides shade over these campsites, as well as food and protection from the elements. The cool breeze continues, undaunted, rolling in off of the waves of the Khurman Sea, making you feel relaxed if but for a moment. The corpse of Devo is lying here. A small horn made from purest ivory hangs in the air on a bed of magic here. The corpse of Revo is lying here. The corpse of Michelle is lying here. A swarm of insects fills the area. The corpse of Alotta is lying here. A small circle of blackness pulsates in the light. (invisible) glows dimly A blood red piece of animal hide lies discarded on the ground. A spiked pair of battle armets lies glows dimly The corpse of Helion is lying here. A swarm of insects fills the area. The corpse of Segmon is lying here. The corpse of Fasolt is lying here. The corpse of Lexi is lying here. The corpse of Clark is lying here. The corpse of Chupubucabra is lying here. The corpse of Sulie is lying here. A large colorful toadstool grows here. [2] A beer barrel has been left here. A large colorful toadstool grows here. [3] A delicious turkey leg sits on a plate here. A bowl of some thick slop is sitting here, steaming. [13] A wooden signpost has been hammered into the ground here. A large tree of ripe apples grows here. Tzaddi, Arcane Snake Slowly Climbing the Tree of Life is standing here. (flying) . . . is enveloped in flames. Aieo U. A Death, Renshai is standing here. (flying) . . . is followed by a hovering ball of light. Hong Kong Renshai Hits from the Bong is standing here. (flying) Mr. Rogers, Cardigan Wearing Renshai is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. Emili la Ru, Renshai's Black Armadillo for Covert Operations is standing here. (flying) Cecil B. Demented, Renshai Armadillo of TeamCecil is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Diddy Kong, High Mascot of Krynn is standing here. (flying) Magra, Teaching Renshai How To Read is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. Umbata Renshai, One Two Three Not IT is standing here. . . . has a tough exterior. Cho Gunn, Divine Servant of Modi is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra gets a weaponmaster's blade from the corpse of Michelle. Magra gets a metallic belt from the corpse of Michelle. Magra gets the grey robes of the Thorn from the corpse of Michelle. Magra gets a heavy spiked shield from the corpse of Michelle. Magra gets a pair of charred black plate boots from the corpse of Michelle. Magra gets a dark red visor from the corpse of Michelle. Magra gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Michelle. 280H 120V 1981C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Magra divides 132 coins equally among the group members present. 280H 120V 1993C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> Cecil tells your group 'K' 280H 120V 1993C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> gt DONT SHOUT SHITYou tell your group 'DONT SHOUT SHIT' 280H 120V 1993C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> gt DONT SHOUT SHIT Cecil tells your group 'SHADOW' 280H 120V 1993C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> gt DONT SHOUT SHITYou tell your group 'DONT SHOUT SHIT' 280H 120V 1993C Mem:7 Exits:ESW> You tell your group 'DONT SHOUT SHIT' Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls