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Originally formed from the two Latin words: Obscurus -a -um [covered , dark, obscure]; n. as subst., [darkness]; of language, [obscure, unintelligible]; of origin, etc. [unknown, obscure]; of character, [secret, reserved, close]. Hence adv. obscure, [darkly; unintelligibly; secretly] Breviloquens -entis [brief in speech] (Definitions courtesy of Combining the words we have Brevilobscurus - short unintelligible speech Obviously such a word could not be the name for such a short unintelligible language, and it was immediately renamed to Runglish by Sufocrates in 333 B.C. after reading the complete works of Bramamanicus (404 B.C.) Later at the Council of Tort in 406 B.C. Yairistotle called the language an absurd attempt at communication, but if letting the savages have a language would help quiet down the raging mobs he agreed to recognize it. The true origin of the language itself is kept very discreet by those that speak it fluently, but historians have agreed upon using the written works as a basis of pinpointing a time. Bramamanicus is believed to be the first to pen anything in the language, although some works of Climbertotle have been destroyed in what has turned into one of the biggest controversies in the history of languages. Climbertotle's Laws of Clan is believed to have been written approximately 367 B.C. while Bramamanicus's Ironstrong Fist is Mine was written 3 years later. Liberal Runglish Fascists are believed to be among those responsible for the fires that simultaneously appeared in every museum containing even the smallest piece of literature penned by Climbertotle. It is widely believed that descendants of Bramamanicus are the driving force behind the Liberal Runglish Fascists, and one in particular, Bramamanama. Bramamanama has been quoted by the media on several instances as saying, "Runglish Mine, Mine Runglish" and since the Historical Language & Grammar Society has recently renamed Bramamanicus as the true father of Runglish, he has been seen carrying chests and wearing diamonds. ("MY CHEST") Now that some of the history has been established, lets view at what makes Runglish one of most spoken and under appreciated languages. Runglish is complex only in its simplicity. In every other language, repeating words is frowned upon, but Runglish thrives on the repetition of short, simple words, and the lack of cohesion of thought through any phrase of words. Runglish is a "free-style" language, not having any of the structures, formats, or rules of its base languages, and those who speak it often can't even be understood by the most eloquent Runglish speakers. Very few outside of the descendants of the original tribes that the language originated from can ever grasp its complex simplicity enough to be able to speak it fluently enough to fit into their society. This has proven as a safe haven for these tribes as many spies have been found speaking Ebonics as opposed to Runglish. Although Ebonics is a viable language in its own right, and believed to have descended from Runglish, it has no place in the tribes that harbor the Wild language of Runglish. With continued research and study of the "brief, unintelligible" sayings that comprise of this mysterious language, linguists hope to be able to unlock the secrets and translate Runglish to English. Until then, the common man is confined to the appreciation of the grunt-like sounds and inaudible snarls that serve as a language for many. Appreciation for the beauty of Runglish is growing, as the language is making its first big break out in the United States. There are several reports of kindergarden children using words in such random order and repetition that it is believed with continued training they could grow into translators. Problems stem from uneducated teachers who are unable to recognize this seemingly hereditary language, and they immediately lead these poor souls to the confines of a proper English speaking life. Support for Runglish is growing and growing, and it has even been seen in the online gaming industry now. The ability to communicate is our most valuble commodity, and the more we can learn and understand, and perhaps one day, even speak this language, the more simple we will have become. Complex simplicity in its most pure form is the spoken art of Runglish. English words alone cannot describe its beauty. So to quote the bald and barbaric Bramamanicus, "Mines words are mine and mines too. I am one or only one of one and am first. All enemys trash is trash. Diamonds are shines and makes powers in me. Give mes diamond. Give mes diamond. Give mes diamond. MINE. Gives me chest or gives me deaths. I am crush of all enemy, and crush trash. You got what deserve making ironfist crush you. I am not suck, I am crushor." Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls