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(flying) 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:7 Exits:NS(W)> freeze calen cast 'hold person'calen Chon appears before Calen in a puff of smoke. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:7 Exits:NS(W)> Vaphix appears before Calen in a puff of smoke. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:7 Exits:NS(W)> Calen grabs a soothing salve. Calen rubs a soothing salve on Calen's feet. Calen appears rejuvenated. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:7 Exits:NS(W)> You must be holding the black ice sphere to use it. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:7 Exits:NS(W)> You utter the words, 'hold person' Calen freezes in place. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> Vaphix now follows Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> Chon laughs heartily. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> 'hahahahah Chon looks at Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> 'die calen Vaphix looks at Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> You say 'hahahahah' 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> You say 'die calen' 239H 160V 21114839X 50C Mem:8 Exits:NS(W)> ca 'energy'calen You utter the words, 'energy drain' You make a feeble attempt at draining Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Perfect] Mem:10 Exits:NS(W)> Chon waves goodbye to Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Perfect] Mem:10 Exits:NS(W)> ca 'energy'calen Calen says 'damn' 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Perfect] Mem:10 Exits:NS(W)> Vaphix focuses harshly on Calen and utters the words, 'energy drain'. Vaphix slowly fades into existence. Vaphix fails to drain Calen - what a waste of energy. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Perfect] Mem:10 Exits:NS(W)> You bludgeon Calen hard. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:V.Good] Mem:10 Exits:NS(W)> Chon focuses harshly on Calen and utters the words, 'force bolt'. Chon slowly fades into existence. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Chon's force bolt slams into Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Good] Mem:10 Exits:NS(W)> You utter the words, 'energy drain' You make a feeble attempt at draining Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Good] Mem:13 Exits:NS(W)> ca 'f b' Vaphix utters the words, 'relocate'. Vaphix disappears in a puff of smoke. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Good] Mem:13 Exits:NS(W)> ca 'f b' Chon focuses harshly on Calen and utters the words, 'force bolt'. Chon slowly fades into existence. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Chon's force bolt slams into Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Fair] Mem:13 Exits:NS(W)> You utter the words, 'force bolt' You hear bones crack as your force bolt slams into Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Bad] Mem:14 Exits:NS(W)> ca 'f b' Chon focuses harshly on Calen and utters the words, 'force bolt'. Chon slowly fades into existence. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Chon's force bolt slams into Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:V.Bad] Mem:14 Exits:NS(W)> You utter the words, 'force bolt' You hear bones crack as your force bolt slams into Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:V.Bad] Mem:16 Exits:NS(W)> ca 'f b' ca 'f b' Chon focuses harshly on Calen and utters the words, 'force bolt'. Chon slowly fades into existence. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Chon's force bolt slams into Calen. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Awful] Mem:16 Exits:NS(W)> You utter the words, 'force bolt' Your force bolt shatters Calen's skull into lifeless goo. You receive 0 experience. Calen is dead! R.I.P. 239H 160V 21114839X 50C [Me:Perfect] [Calen:Dying] Mem:17 Exits:NS(W)> The death cry of Calen echoes from somewhere nearby... Vaphix stops following Calen. 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