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POV: Log Rating: 3.0332 Chrik learns the true power of Greed! 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> Turac says 'l pool' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> Turac says 'it says i woundy go in if i were you' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> You tell your group 'go for it' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> Dralan giggles. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> *Brennet hands Turac his Speedo 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> Chrik sits down and rests. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:3 Exits:W> Dralan closes his spellbook with a content look on his face. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Turac coughs loudly. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan tells your group 'chrik type ente rpool' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You are carrying: a piece of bread a decaying kender head a crystal shard glows dimly a cured albino squirrel hide a small wooden chest a bronze bottle a blue hand purse a fine vallenwood chest a scroll of recall 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan says 'spell book in there' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> *Turac drops a hair into the pool and watches it go *poof* 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You give a decaying kender head to the elven female. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Chrik stands up. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Turac gets an arm from his chest. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You try to grab Chrik before he leaps into the pool, but you're too late. In seconds the water takes on a life on its own and engulfs his body, dragging he to the bottom. Your stomach fills with dread as the water fills with dark red blood. Chrik is dead! R.I.P. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> The death cry of Chrik echoes from somewhere nearby... Chrik stops following Dralan. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Turac gives a horribly mangled arm to the elven female. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Reepacheep gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Chrik. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You roll on the floor in a fit of laughter. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan says 'shit!' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Turac says 'whaoh ha' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan says 'i didnt mean it' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You get a shaved pig hoof eyepatch from the corpse of Chrik. You get a short sword from the corpse of Chrik. You get a small canteen from the corpse of Chrik. You get a torn piece of paper from the corpse of Chrik. You get an ashen stone from the corpse of Chrik. You get a small canteen from the corpse of Chrik. You get a large whip from the corpse of Chrik. You get a hooded lantern from the corpse of Chrik. You get a bowl of beef stew from the corpse of Chrik. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You cackle gleefully. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan says 'heh i was jokeing' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You say 'oh my god' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Dralan rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> Turac says 'spellbook in there made him jump?' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:2 Exits:W> You suddenly notice that your body is in focus once again. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> You say 'that was sooo funny' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> You say 'I love this game' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Dralan laughs heartily. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Turac says 'i dont know whether to laugh or mourn' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> You say 'laugh' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Dralan says 'sheesh i was jokeing' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> You say 'guess we should get him some thief eq now' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Turac says 'whelp,im recallin guys' 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Dralan rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> You chuckle politely. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Turac rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Turac rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 464H 114V 9462227X 111C Mem:1 Exits:W> Dralan says 'im sorry i cant help it' Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls