yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What would be the single best change for Arctic? (*) Remove sheafs ( ) Remove rent decay ( ) Add more spells/skills to current classes ( ) Add more zones ( ) Add a new class ( ) Other Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls FREE randomers dies POV: Max Log Rating: 3.0000 They jumped Oom so we decided to form and strike back 748H 123V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NS> Kaila flies north. Oom flies north. Zod flies north. You follow Kaila north. You kneel down and study the ground. Your victim's tracks lead west. Near the Shore of Newsea Waves from the Newsea crash onto the shoreline, sending spray of salty water into the air. Strong gusts from the north whip at your clothes and kick sand and water droplets into your face. From the eastern horizon to the western horizon, all that can be seen are the waters of the Newsea. Directly across the waters to the north you can barely make out a land mass and a city, it must be Port o'Call. The sand along the shore becomes more sparse to the south and a road leads away from the shoreline. A large wooden sign has been hammered into the ground here. Lord Zod, Goblin King is standing here. (flying) . . . has a metallic luster. Oom the Male Human is standing here. (flying) Sir Kaila, Death Exploration Brigade is standing here. (flying) Adeck, Freedom's Ring is standing here. (flying) Lord Bonzai, Operation Freedom Special Forces is standing here. (flying) 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Bonzai slashes Zod very hard. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod steps aside as Adeck attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Oom slashes Bonzai very hard. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Kaila heroically rescues Zod. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash donba Bonzai slashes Kaila extremely hard. Kaila cleaves Bonzai extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Oom's blow is absorbed by Bonzai's armor. Adeck stabs Zod hard. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash donba You couldn't find what you were looking for. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Oom attacks Bonzai with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseles s. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod STANDS UP! 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash donba You couldn't find what you were looking for. 748H 121V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod bludgeons Adeck extremely hard. Bonzai slashes Kaila very hard. Kaila ANNIHILATES Bonzai with his cleave. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai very hard. Adeck stabs Zod extremely hard. Kaila's crystal flickers and goes out. Kaila crashes into Bonzai in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Adeck STANDS UP! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Adeck crashes into Kaila in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Tyme flies in from the west. The spirit of a palace guard flies in from the west. The spirit of Lord Amothus flies in from the west. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on Zod and utters some strange words. Tyme throws a handful of sticks at Zod, but they turn into snakes in midflight! Tyme slowly fades into existence. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash donba You couldn't find what you were looking for. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod bludgeons Adeck hard. Bonzai slashes Kaila extremely hard. Kaila ANNIHILATES Bonzai with his cleave. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai. Adeck stabs Zod very hard. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on Zod and utters some strange words. Tyme throws a handful of sticks at Zod, but they turn into snakes in midflight! Tyme slowly fades into existence. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Adeck crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod bludgeons Adeck extremely hard. Bonzai MASSACREs Kaila with his slash. Kaila ANNIHILATES Bonzai with his cleave. Oom slashes Bonzai hard. Oom slashes Bonzai hard. Adeck stabs Zod extremely hard. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on Zod and utters some strange words. Tyme throws a handful of sticks at Zod, but they turn into snakes in midflight! Tyme slowly fades into existence. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Bonzai STANDS UP! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash donba Zod steps aside as Bonzai attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod bludgeons Adeck very hard. Bonzai MASSACREs Kaila with his slash. Kaila ANNIHILATES Bonzai with his cleave. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai hard. Adeck MASSACREs Zod with his stab. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash Donba Donba flies in from the west. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> You crash into Donba in a bone crunching bash , sending him sprawling to the ground. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on Zod and utters some strange words. Tyme throws a handful of sticks at Zod, but they turn into snakes in midflight! Tyme slowly fades into existence. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila STANDS UP! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:V.Good] Exits:NESW> You MASSACRE Donba with your cleave. Donba misses you with his bite. Zod bludgeons Adeck extremely hard. Bonzai slashes Kaila very hard. Kaila ANNIHILATES Bonzai with his cleave. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Adeck stabs Zod extremely hard. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila hugs himself gleefully for no apparent reason. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Zod STANDS UP! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Adeck crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on Zod and utters some strange words. Tyme throws a handful of sticks at Zod, but they turn into snakes in midflight! Tyme slowly fades into existence. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. Zod screams in pain as a snake tears into his flesh. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila rushes into the fray of the battle! Kaila pummels Donba hard and attempts to shove Max away. Kaila cleaves Donba extremely hard. Kaila comes to your rescue! You're thankful, but a bit dazed. Kaila pummels Adeck hard and attempts to shove Zod away. Kaila cleaves Adeck. Kaila heroically rescues Zod. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Oom stops using a coral sword. Oom grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Oom recites a glowing scroll of recall. Zod disappears. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Adeck stabs Kaila very hard. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Bonzai slashes Kaila extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai very hard. Bonzai STANDS UP! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash Donba Donba STANDS UP! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Bonzai panics, and attempts to flee. Bonzai flies south. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> You crash into Donba in a bone crunching bash , sending him sprawling to the ground. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Kaila:Good] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Bonzai flies in from the south. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Kaila:Good] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses on Bonzai and utters some strange words. Bonzai's wounds begin to heal. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Kaila:Good] [Donba:Good] Exits:NESW> st You MASSACRE Donba with your cleave. Adeck MASSACREs Kaila with his stab. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Kaila:Good] [Donba:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Kaila in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Kaila:Fair] [Donba:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck heroically rescues Donba. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses on Bonzai and utters some strange words. Bonzai's wounds begin to heal. 748H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Perfect] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Bonzai slashes Kaila extremely hard. Kaila misses Adeck with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Adeck wavers under Oom's mighty slash! Oom MASSACREs Adeck with his slash. 733H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> bash Donba Donba STANDS UP! 733H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You are already stan ding. 733H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You crash into Donba in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 733H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You cleave Adeck extremely hard. Adeck misses you with his stab. Bonzai MASSACREs Kaila with his slash. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. 733H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom attacks Adeck with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseless . 733H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You are sent sprawling as Bonzai crashes into you. 715H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom misses Adeck with his slash. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Adeck MASSACREs YOU with his stab. Bonzai slashes Kaila extremely hard. Kaila ANNIHILATES Adeck with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. 693H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Kaila grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Kaila recites a glowing scroll of recall. Kaila disappears. 693H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> bash Donba Donba STANDS UP! 693H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> You step aside as Adeck tries to bash you, causing him to tumble and fall face down . 693H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Donba utters some strange words. Donba heals Donba. 693H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Oom misses Adeck with his slash. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Adeck MASSACREs YOU with his stab. 672H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme laughs heartily. 672H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> 672H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> You step aside as Bonzai tries to bash you, causing him to tumble and fall face dow n. 672H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Bonzai misses you with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. 657H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> You can't do that whi le sitting. 657H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Donba focuses on Adeck and utters some strange words. Donba heals Adeck. 657H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. 657H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Adeck STANDS UP! 657H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> st You are sent sprawling as Adeck crashes into you. 638H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. You cleave Adeck extremely hard. Adeck MASSACREs YOU with his stab. 585H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> The ferry lurches to a stop at the dock, and the passengers disembark After the last of the passengers leaves the ferry, the captain readies her for the next voyage. 585H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Bonzai STANDS UP! 585H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> The captain yells 'The ferry will be leaving in a few hours.' A yell from the nearby docks proclaims 'The ferry will be leaving within a few hours.' 585H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> You are sent sprawling as Bonzai crashes into you. 567H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. 567H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. 527H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. 527H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> You step aside as Adeck tries to bash you, causing him to tumble and fall face down . 527H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. You miss Adeck with your cleave. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. 486H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila flies in from the south. 486H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila crashes into Donba in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 486H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> You are sent sprawling as Bonzai crashes into you. 468H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. You have been blinded! 468H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] > st Someone ANNIHILATES someone with their cleave. Someone misses someone with their bite. Someone slashes YOU extremely hard. Someone slashes someone extremely hard. You MASSACRE someone with your cleave. Someone MASSACREs YOU with their stab. 462H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] > Someone ANNIHILATES someone with their cleave. Someone misses someone with their bite. Someone MASSACREs YOU with their slash. Someone slashes someone extremely hard. You MASSACRE someone with your cleave. Someone MASSACREs YOU with their stab. 412H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] > Someone crashes into someone in a thundering collision, knocking them to the ground ! 412H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] > Someone focuses harshly on someone and utters some strange words. 412H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] > Someone MASSACREs someone with their cleave. Someone misses someone with their bite. Someone MASSACREs YOU with their slash. Someone slashes someone extremely hard. You MASSACRE someone with your cleave. Someone MASSACREs YOU with their stab. 367H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] > You stand up. 367H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] > You are already standing. 367H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] > You are sent sprawling as someone crashes into you. 349H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] > Someone focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. A painful wrath courses through your soul and clamps on. Pain tears at your being, but your soul withstands most of it. 308H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] > Someone ANNIHILATES someone with their cleave. Someone misses someone with their bite. Someone MASSACREs YOU with their slash. Someone slashes someone hard. You MASSACRE someone with your cleave. Someone stabs YOU extremely hard. 266H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] > Someone heroically rescues someone. 266H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] > Someone utters some strange words. Someone heals someone. 266H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] > Someone tells your clan 'come heal' 266H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] > Someone crashes into someone in a thundering collision, knocking them to the ground ! 266H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] > Someone focuses on you and utters some strange words. You feel a cloak of blindness dissolve. Your entire body tingles for a few seconds. 747H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Donba bites Kaila hard. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Kaila extremely hard. Bonzai misses you with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You miss Adeck with your cleave. Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. Tyme slowly fades into existence. A painful wrath courses through your soul and clamps on. Pain tears at your being, but your soul withstands most of it. 707H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck grunts and tries to take a swing at you. 707H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> st Zod flies north. 707H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You sta nd up. 707H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Kaila extremely hard. Bonzai slashes YOU extremely hard. Oom slashes Adeck. You cleave Adeck extremely hard. You are sent sprawling as Bonzai crashes into you. 673H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. Tyme slowly fades into existence. A painful wrath courses through your soul and clamps on. Pain tears at your being, but your soul withstands most of it. 632H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> bash donba Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Kaila extremely hard. Bonzai misses you with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 632H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. Tyme slowly fades into existence. A painful wrath courses through your soul and clamps on. 560H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Donba steps aside as Kaila attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 560H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> bash Donba Donba STANDS UP! 560H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Donba focuses on Adeck and utters some strange words. Donba heals Adeck. 560H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Adeck spasms as Oom places his hand on Adeck's chest. Adeck shivers and begins to grow extremely pale. 560H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila M ASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Kaila hard. Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck hard. You should probably stand up! You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. You can't do that while sitting. 532H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> You can't do that while sitting. 532H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. Tyme slowly fades into existence. A painful wrath courses through your soul and clamps on. 458H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> You are sent sprawling as Bonzai crashes into you. 440H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Fair] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> st Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck MASSACREs Kaila with his stab. Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 415H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> 415H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses harshly on you and utters some strange words. Tyme slowly fades into existence. A painful wrath courses through your soul and clamps on. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila STANDS UP! 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila crashes into Donba in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Zod flies in from the north. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck crashes into Kaila in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Kaila extremely hard. Bonzai misses you with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You stand u p. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Tyme starts watching you. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom tells your group 'heal kaila' 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Kaila's mightly cleave almost cuts Adeck in two. Kaila ANNIHILATES Adeck with his cleave. Adeck MASSACREs Kaila with his stab. Bonzai misses you with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You cleave Adeck extremely hard. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme slowly fades into existence. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme stops watching you. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Zod steps aside as Adeck attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> The captain says, 'The ferry will be leaving within the hour.' 344H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Kaila ANNIHILATES Adeck with his cleave. Adeck MASSACREs Kaila with his stab. Bonzai slashes YOU extremely hard. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. You cleave Adeck extremely hard. 328H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Zod STANDS UP! 328H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Bad] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Zod focuses on Kaila and utters some strange words. Zod heals Kaila. bash Donba 328H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Good] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Donba focuses on Adeck and utters some strange words. Donba heals Adeck. 328H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Good] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> You cras h into Donba in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 328H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Kaila:V.Good] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Kaila recites a glowing scroll of recall. Kaila disappears. 328H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Bad] [Adeck:Good] Exits:NESW> Adeck stabs YOU hard. Tyme bludgeons YOU extremely hard. Bonzai slashes YOU extremely hard. Adeck wavers under Oom's mighty slash! Oom MASSACREs Adeck with his slash. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 284H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> st Astarte shouts 'freedom, its in the constitutio' 284H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses on Adeck and utters some strange words. Adeck's wounds begin to heal. 284H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Zod bludgeons Bonzai hard. Bonzai slashes YOU extremely hard. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 251H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You are sent sprawling as Bonzai crashes into you. 233H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck STANDS UP! 233H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> 233H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You step aside as Adeck tries to bash you, causing him to tumble and fall face down . 233H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Tyme screams wildly and cusses at you. 233H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Tyme bludgeons YOU very hard. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 178H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> st Zod STANDS UP! bash Donba Donba STANDS UP! 178H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Bad] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Zod focuses on you and utters some strange words. Your entire body tingles for a few seconds. 744H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck MASSACREs YOU with his stab. Tyme bludgeons YOU extremely hard. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Tyme wiggles his fingers as he outlines your head in the air. 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila flies in from the south. 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila crashes into Donba in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You stand up. 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You are already stan ding. 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! You try to bash Donba, but you miss and tumble forward onto your face. 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck STANDS UP! 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You step aside as Adeck tries to bash you, causing him to tumble and fall face down . 712H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:V.Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila MASSACREs Donba with his cleave. Donba slowly fades into existence. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Adeck MASSACREs YOU with his stab. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 664H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom panics, and attempts to flee. Oom flies north. 664H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> st Oom flies in from the north. 664H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom slashes Donba extremely hard. 664H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses on Adeck and utters some strange words. 664H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> bash adeck Oom slashes Donba very hard. Kaila ANNIHILATES Donba with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Adeck MASSACREs YOU with his stab. Zod misses Bonzai with his bludgeon. Bonzai MASSACREs YOU with his slash. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 617H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Donba steps aside as Kaila attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 617H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You stand up. 617H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Zod steps aside as Bon zai attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. You crash into Adeck in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. Oom attacks Donba with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseless . 617H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Tyme focuses on Adeck and utters some strange words. 617H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom MASSACREs Donba with his slash. Kaila's mightly cleave almost cuts Donba in two. Kaila OBLITERATES Donba with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Bonzai misses you with his slash. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 599H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Zod STANDS UP! 599H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> The captain moves up the gangplank and pulls it up, making the ferry ready to shove off. 599H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom starts holding a coral sword. 599H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Oom misses Donba with his slash. Oom MASSACREs Donba with his slash. Kaila ANNIHILATES Donba with his cleave. Donba misses Kaila with his bite. Adeck stabs YOU. Tyme bludgeons YOU very hard. Zod bludgeons Bonzai extremely hard. Bonzai misses you with his slash. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> bash Donba Donba STANDS UP! 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Donba panics, and attempts to flee. Donba flies north. 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila STANDS UP! 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Kaila flies north. Oom flies north. 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck STANDS UP! 580H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Adeck stabs YOU hard. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. Bonzai misses you with his slash. You miss Adeck with your cleave. Adeck crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 573H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai STANDS UP! 573H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai panics, and attempts to flee. Bonzai flies south. 573H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai flies in from the south. 573H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> st You are already standing. 573H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> Bonzai slashes Zod extremely hard. 573H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Good] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> bash Bonzai MASSACREs Zod with his slash. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 553H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Fair] Exits:NESW> You crash into Adeck i n a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. 553H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> st Bonzai misses Zod with his slash. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Zod STANDS UP! 535H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme screams wildly and cusses at you. You feel less righteous. 535H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 535H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Bonzai MASSACREs Zod with his slash. Adeck stabs YOU extremely hard. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 517H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> You are already standin g. 517H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Tyme screams wildly and cusses at you. You feel very uncomfortable. You groan and stumble back. 517H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:Bad] Exits:NESW> Bonzai MASSACREs Zod with his slash. Zod bludgeons Bonzai hard. Adeck misses you with his stab. Tyme bludgeons YOU hard. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. Your blood freezes as you hear someone's death cry. Donba stops following Bonzai. Adeck STANDS UP! 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> gro Your group of 4 members consists of: Member Hits Move Position Fly Inv Water Here Light Mem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Kaila perfect rested standing Y N N N 0 0 Oom perfect rested standing Y N N N 0 12 Zod fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 5 Max fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Adeck:V.Bad] Exits:NESW> st Adeck panics, and attempts to flee. You direct your attention to Tyme. Adeck flies east. 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> You are already stan ding. Tyme wiggles his fingers as he outlines your head in the air. 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> Zod STANDS UP! Adeck flies in from the east. 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> bash You cannot concentrate enough for this! 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> Adeck flies north. 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> Bonzai crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> Kaila flies in from the north. Oom flies in from the north. 507H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Perfect] Exits:NESW> You cleave Tyme extremely hard. Bonzai slashes Zod very hard. Zod misses Bonzai with his bludgeon. Tyme bludgeons YOU very hard. Tyme misses you with his bludgeon. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:V.Good] Exits:NESW> Kaila MASSACREs Tyme with his cleave. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Good] Exits:NESW> Oom slashes Tyme hard. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Tyme:Good] Exits:NESW> Tyme sinks gently to the ground. Tyme stops using a grey owl's feather. Tyme grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Tyme recites a glowing scroll of recall. Tyme disappears. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Adeck flies in from the north. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> st You are already standing. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> l Bonzai slashes Zod very hard. Zod bludgeons Bonzai very hard. Adeck crashes into Zod in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Near the Shore of Newsea Waves from the Newsea crash onto the shoreline, sending spray of salty water into the air. Strong gusts from the north whip at your clothes and kick sand and water droplets into your face. From the eastern horizon to the western horizon, all that can be seen are the waters of the Newsea. Directly across the waters to the north you can barely make out a land mass and a city, it must be Port o'Call. The sand along the shore becomes more sparse to the south and a road leads away from the shoreline. A large wooden sign has been hammered into the ground here. Adeck, Freedom's Ring is standing here, fighting Zod. (flying) Oom the Male Human is standing here. (flying) Sir Kaila, Death Exploration Brigade is standing here. (flying) Lord Bonzai, Operation Freedom Special Forces is standing here, fighting Zod . (flying) Lord Zod, Goblin King is sitting here, fighting Bonzai. (flying) . . . has a metallic luster. The spirit of Lord Amothus is hovering here. The spirit of a palace guard is hovering here. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Oom slashes Bonzai very hard. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Kaila crashes into Adeck in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Kaila misses Adeck with his cleave. Oom slashes Bonzai extremely hard. Oom slashes Bonzai hard. Adeck MASSACREs Zod with his stab. Bonzai slashes Zod extremely hard. Zod bludgeons Bonzai hard. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Bonzai stops using a shimmering alexandrite. Bonzai grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Bonzai recites a glowing scroll of recall. Bonzai disappears. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> st Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. Zod misses Adeck with his bludgeon. Kaila MASSACREs Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Zod extremely hard. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> You are already standing. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> bash adeck You cannot concentrate enough for this! 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> Zod STANDS UP! 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> ass You attempt to assist Kaila. You MASSACRE Adeck with your cleave. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Zod:V.Bad] [Adeck:Awful] Exits:NESW> Kaila crashes into Adeck in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Zod:V.Bad] [Adeck:Awful] Exits:NESW> You miss Adeck with your cleave. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. Oom slashes Adeck extremely hard. Kaila misses Adeck with his cleave. Adeck stabs Zod very hard. Zod utters some strange words. Zod heals Zod. 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Zod:V.Good] [Adeck:Awful] Exits:NESW> st Oom attacks Adeck with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseless . 494H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C [Me:Fair] [Zod:V.Good] [Adeck:Awful] Exits:NESW> You ANNIHILATE Adeck with your cleave. Oom slashes Adeck very hard. Adeck is stunned, but will likely regain consciousness again. Oom MASSACREs Adeck with his slash. exa corpse get all.pile corpse You receive 0 experience. Adeck is dead! R.I.P. The death cry of Adeck echoes from somewhere nearby... Adeck sinks gently to the ground. The spirit of Lord Amothus transcends this world and enters another plane. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> You are already standing. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> get all corpse It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a long swordmaster's hums softly a wolf tooth bracelet a thick dwarven bracelet a braided leather belt a robe covered in hums softly an ancient shield of the silver serpent some black and silver sleeves boots of speed (invisible) glows dimly some leather greaves a leather cap a shirt of red demon scales a silver dwarven ring a gargoyle ring a very large pile of coins a piece of sweet bread [4] some metal glows dimly a cloak of mysticism a twig covered in thorns the glows dimly a blue glows dimly [return for more, q to stop] 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6049C Exits:NESW> get all corpse You get a long swordmaster's rapier from the corpse of Adeck. You get a wolf tooth bracelet from the corpse of Adeck. You get a thick dwarven bracelet from the corpse of Adeck. You get a braided leather belt from the corpse of Adeck. You get a robe covered in eyes from the corpse of Adeck. You get an ancient shield of the silver serpent from the corpse of Adeck. You are zapped by some black and silver sleeves and instantly drop it. You are zapped by boots of speed and instantly drop it. You get some leather greaves from the corpse of Adeck. You get a leather cap from the corpse of Adeck. You get a shirt of red demon scales from the corpse of Adeck. You get a silver dwarven ring from the corpse of Adeck. You are zapped by a gargoyle ring and instantly drop it. You get a very large pile of coins from the corpse of Adeck. You get a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Adeck. You get a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Adeck. You get a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Adeck. You get a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Adeck. You get some metal cleats from the corpse of Adeck. You get a cloak of mysticism from the corpse of Adeck. You get a twig covered in thorns from the corpse of Adeck. Starjewel : You can't carry that many items. Ring : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can'get all corpse t carry that many items. Backpack : You can't carry that many items. Chest : You can't carry that many items. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 7491C Exits:NESW> Starjewel : You can't carry that many items. Ring : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Backpack : You can't carry that many items. Chest : You can't carry that many items. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 7491C Exits:NESW> You can't split 1442 evenly among the people in the room; splitting 1440 instead. You divide 1440 coins equally among the group members present. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Starjewel : You can't carry that many items. Ring : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Backpack : You can't carry that many items. Chest : You can't carry that many items. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Oom gets a gargoyle ring. Oom gets boots of speed. Oom gets some black and silver sleeves. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Zod gets the starjewel from the corpse of Adeck. Zod gets a blue ring from the corpse of Adeck. Zod gets a scroll of recall from the corpse of Adeck. Zod gets a scroll of recall from the corpse of Adeck. Zod gets a scroll of recall from the corpse of Adeck. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Oom gets an ivory-colored leather backpack from the corpse of Adeck. Oom gets a blackened chest from the corpse of Adeck. 521H 164V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Kaila flies north. Oom flies north. Zod flies north. You follow Kaila north. Rough Waters in the Newsea You are on the rough waters of Newsea. The weather is harsh and the sky is gloomy. It is very tough to navigate through the turbulent waters, large waves and strong winds seem to cover much of this sea. The waters here seems unnaturally dark, and you see few signs of sea life. The corpse of Donba is lying here. Lord Zod, Goblin King is standing here. (flying) . . . has a metallic luster. Oom the Male Human is standing here. (flying) Sir Kaila, Death Exploration Brigade is standing here. (flying) 521H 162V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Kaila says 'loot' 521H 162V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> Oom gets a shirt of red demon scales from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets some black and silver sleeves from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a bright ball of light from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a griffon feather from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a metal canteen from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a metal canteen from the corpse of Donba. Oom gets a milky potion of see invisible from the corpse of Donba. 521H 162V 1X 80.95% 6411C Exits:NESW> exa corpse It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find: corpse (here) : a berserker glows dimly a heavy black cloak with silvery runes (invisible) a metal canteen [4] a milky potion of see invisible [3] a pink diamond glows dimly a scroll of recall a set of magi robes a small functional hammer a waterskin some pixie glows dimly Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls