yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What is the worst change this wipe? (*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Xen and Friends POV: Sunn Log Rating: 2.2143 happy new years {rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033{fonttbl{f0fswissfcharset0 Arial;}} {*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1.df0fs20 368H 113V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:SWUD> d. Krawl flies in from above.. Zaliq flies in from above.. A Small Side Street. You stand before the largest vallenwood you have ever seen. It towers. up above the rest of the huge vallenwoods and appears to touch the clouds. above. When you look up into the vallenwood, you see an extravagantly. decorated tavern that has been built in and among the limbs of the tree.. The clearing stretches on towards the north and you see Northern Avenue to. the east. A spiral stairway winds down from the tavern above, reaching the. ground a short distance away. A small sign is posted next to the stairway.. A long torch functions as a street lamp here.. Zaliq the Male Minotaur is standing here. (flying). . . . has a granite appearance.. Krawl, Um is standing here. (flying) (invisible). . . . has a granite appearance.. c 'daze' Xen. Xen A'Kul, Champion of the Abyss is standing here. (flying) (invisible). . . . is surrounded by 3 shimmering spheres.. A stallion is standing here, pawing at the ground impatiently.. A small and weak looking horse is here awaiting its master.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> You utter the words, 'daze'. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> . Wealyn flies in from the east.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> l. Zaliq-----------BASHED------ -----> Wealyn. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> . Krawl slowly fades into existence.. Krawl annihilates Wealyn with his slash.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> . Xen flies east.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> . c 'daze' Xen. Xen flies in from the east.. Scotr flies in from the east.. Morpheus flies in from the east.. Morpheus kneels down and studies the ground.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> #10 SECONDS TO TICK. . Xen focuses on Morpheus and utters some strange words.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> c 'ice'. A Small Side Street. You stand before the largest vallenwood you have ever seen. It towers. up above the rest of the huge vallenwoods and appears to touch the clouds. above. When you look up into the vallenwood, you see an extravagantly. decorated tavern that has been built in and among the limbs of the tree.. The clearing stretches on towards the north and you see Northern Avenue to. the east. A spiral stairway winds down from the tavern above, reaching the. the east. A spiral stairway winds down from the tavern above, reaching the. ground a short distance away. A small sign is posted next to the stairway.. A long torch functions as a street lamp here.. Morpheus the Male Kender is standing here. (flying) (invisible). Scotr Wealyn is standing here. (flying) (invisible). c 'daze' Xen. Xen A'Kul, Champion of the Abyss is standing here. (flying) (invisible). . . . is surrounded by 3 shimmering spheres.. Wealyn Meryln, Give and Take is sitting here, fighting Zaliq. (flying) (invisible). Zaliq the Male Minotaur is standing here, fighting Wealyn. (flying). . . . has a granite appearance.. Krawl, Um is standing here, fighting Wealyn. (flying). . . . has a granite appearance.. A stallion is standing here, pawing at the ground impatiently.. A small and weak looking horse is here awaiting its master.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> Krawl annihilates Wealyn with his slash.. Krawl massacres Wealyn with his slash.. Zaliq pierces Wealyn extremely hard.. Wealyn slowly fades into existence.. Wealyn bruises Zaliq with his hit.. You can't remember how to cast that spell!. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C Mem:3 Exits:NEU> You utter the words, 'ice storm'. Morpheus is shredded by shards of ice.. Scotr is shredded by shards of ice.. You destroy Xen's mirror images.. Xen is shredded by shards of ice.. Wealyn is shredded by shards of ice.. A stallion is shredded by shards of ice.. A stallion is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.. A small horse is torn to pieces by hundreds of shards of ice.. You receive 0 experience.. get all.coins corpse. exam corpse. A small horse is dead! R.I.P.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:Perfect] [Morpheus:V.Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . The death cry of a small horse echoes from somewhere nearby.... . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:Perfect] [Morpheus:V.Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Morpheus stops using a black stone.. Morpheus grabs a glowing scroll of recall.. Morpheus recites a glowing scroll of recall.. Morpheus disappears.. You direct your attention to Xen.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:Perfect] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Krawl attacks Wealyn with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseless.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:Perfect] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> gt go. . Scotr focuses harshly on Krawl and utters the words, 'flame shroud'.. Flesh burns as Scotr enshrouds Krawl in a cloak of flames.. . 368H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:Perfect] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . You bludgeon Xen very hard.. You feel intense pain as you swing through Xen's flaming aura.. Xen misses you with his bludgeon.. Krawl obliterates Wealyn with his slash.. Krawl massacres Wealyn with his slash.. Zaliq massacres Wealyn with his pierce.. Wealyn misses Zaliq with his hit.. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> You can't remember how to cast that spell!. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> The corpse doesn't seem to have what you are looking for. .. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remai. ns, you find:. corpse (here) : . . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> You tell your group 'go'. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Zaliq --------MISSED BASH ON ----------> Wealyn. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Xen focuses on Krawl and utters some strange words.. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Scotr focuses harshly on Krawl and utters the words, 'flame shroud'.. Flesh burns as Scotr enshrouds Krawl in a cloak of flames.. 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Krawl gazes at Wealyn with a look of evilness.. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> . Dandrea arrives from the east.. . 357H 112V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:4 Exits:NEU> #TICK. c 'par' wealyn. Krawl annihilates Wealyn with his slash.. Krawl massacres Wealyn with his slash.. Zaliq pierces Wealyn very hard.. A stallion lies suffering on the ground till no blood is left in his body.. get all.coins corpse. exam corpse. A stallion is dead! R.I.P.. The death cry of a stallion echoes from somewhere nearby.... You utter the words, 'paralysis'. Wealyn -----> PARALYZED!. . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Xen:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> . Xen panics, and attempts to flee.. You direct your attention to Scotr.. Xen flies east.. . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:V.Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> . Scotr focuses harshly on Krawl and utters the words, 'flame shroud'.. Flesh burns as Scotr enshrouds Krawl in a cloak of flames.. . You bludgeon Scotr very hard.. Krawl obliterates Wealyn with his slash.. You receive 0 experience.. get all.coins corpse. exam corpse. Wealyn is dead! R.I.P.. The death cry of Wealyn echoes from somewhere nearby.... . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1308C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> cast 'fire storm' wealyn. You get a large pile of coins from the corpse of Wealyn.. split 673. There were 673 coins.. . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1981C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Dandrea leaves north.. It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find:. corpse (here) : . an obsidian cube. a glowing glows dimly. a rugged elven backpack. a bright brass dragonscale glows dimly. a pair of moccasins encrusted with red moss. a sapphire circlet. an emerald talisman. a black velvet cloak. the seal of the Silver Circle Guard. a shimmering purple glows dimly. a putrid potion [2]. a milky potion of see invisible [2]. a golden lap harp. a bright ball of glows dimly. a glowing scroll of glows dimly. a scroll of recall. a large pole axe. a sword carved from crystal. a mithril cube (invisible). a small green jewel. . [return for more, q to stop]. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1981C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> It's a pretty ghastly sight! Searching through the remains, you find:. . Xen flies in from the east.. . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1981C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Xen gets an obsidian cube from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a glowing bracer from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a rugged elven backpack from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen is zapped by a bright brass dragonscale shield and instantly drops it.. Xen gets a pair of moccasins encrusted with red moss from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a sapphire circlet from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets an emerald talisman from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a black velvet cloak from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets the seal of the Silver Circle Guard from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a shimmering purple ring from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a putrid potion from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a putrid potion from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a milky potion of see invisible from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a milky potion of see invisible from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen is zapped by a golden lap harp and instantly drops it.. Xen gets a bright ball of light from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a scroll of recall from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a large pole axe from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a sword carved from crystal from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a mithril cube from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a small green jewel from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a rusty crowbar from the corpse of Wealyn.. Xen gets a carved ivory ring from the corpse of Wealyn.. You can't split 673 evenly among the people in the room; splitting 672 instead.. You divide 672 coins equally among the group members present.. . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> -----> Zaliq <----- STANDS UP!. You can't remember how to cast that spell!. . 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Zaliq jumps up in the air and flaps his arms wildly! 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> g all corpse You get a camel pack from the corpse of Wealyn. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Scotr focuses harshly on Krawl and utters the words, 'flame shroud'. Flesh burns as Scotr enshrouds Krawl in a cloak of flames. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Xen utters some strange words. Xen disappears in a puff of smoke. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Zaliq-----------BASHED------ -----> Scotr 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Good] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Zaliq pierces Scotr extremely hard. Krawl annihilates Scotr with his slash. Krawl massacres Scotr with his slash. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Fair] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> cast 'fire storm' xen Who should the spell be cast upon? 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Fair] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> Krawl attacks Scotr with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves him defenseless. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Fair] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> cast 'fire storm' Atyme flies in from the east. Niupta flies in from the east. A gargoyle flies in from the east. Aplaenych flies in from the east. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Fair] Mem:5 Exits:NEU> You utter the words, 'fire storm' Scotr is crushed by a wall of fire. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Bad] Mem:6 Exits:NEU> cast 'fire storm' Niupta gives a gargoyle an order. 362H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Bad] Mem:6 Exits:NEU> g all corpse Zaliq massacres Scotr with his pierce. Krawl annihilates Scotr with his slash. Krawl massacres Scotr with his slash. Scotr bruises YOU with his crush. Scotr is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. 361H 119V 1X 65.08% 1533C [Sunn:V.Good] [Scotr:Awful] Mem:6 Exits:NEU> You utter the words, 'fire storm' Your wall of flames crushes Scotr, who barely utters a death cry. You receive 0 experience. get all.coins corpse exam corpse Scotr is dead! 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