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(*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls January 5, 2004 Tournament: Round 3 POV: Chitzkoi Log Rating: 0.0000 Third round. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Sancho says 'GO NOW MOVE NORTH GOGOGO' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Jerrin flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Nasir flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Mabel flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Kohin flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Jierk flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Sengir flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> You begin moving quietly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Viran flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Maldrik flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> Trabzon flies north. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C Exits:N> ndYou feel much heavier. flyArena Dispersal! In all directions a thick fog hangs in the air. You know that you will quickly become lost and separated if you head in any direction, but you know that you must to start. Hurry! Choose another room before the fight starts! Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. Sengir Vampire is standing here. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. Nasir the Original Dumbass is standing here. (flying) (red aura) 465H 131V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESWUD> Jierk leaves north. 465H 131V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESWUD> Shaddaric flies in from the south. 465H 131V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESWUD> Maleki flies in from the south. 465H 131V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESWUD> An Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Shaddaric arrives from the south. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You're already flying! 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back TrabzonTrabzon makes a strange sound, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. Trabzon appears noticeably weaker. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Trabzon:Fair] Exits:EW> Shaddaric leaves east. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Trabzon:Fair] Exits:EW> Maleki arrives from the west. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Trabzon:Fair] Exits:EW> Trabzon panics, and attempts to flee. Trabzon leaves west. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Maleki leaves east. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back Trabzonback Trabzonback Trabzonback TrabzonYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> eYou begin moving quietly. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back TrabzonJierk arrives from the east. An Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Trabzon Trabzoff, Crimson Maw Assassin is standing here. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Trabzon slowly fades into existence. Trabzon comes out of hiding. Trabzon gives his knife a quick thrust and twist, as he strikes Shaddaric in the back with it. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Viran arrives from the east. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Trabzon is flailing around too much. Oh well. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Maldrik arrives from the south. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Trabzon pierces Shaddaric very hard. Trabzon pierces Shaddaric hard. Shaddaric massacres Trabzon with his cleave. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back TrabzonTrabzon is flailing around too much. Oh well. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back TrabzonTrabzon is flailing around too much. Oh well. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Shaddaric panics, and attempts to flee. Shaddaric leaves south. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back TrabzonTrabzon quickly avoids your backstab, and you nearly cut your finger. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Trabzon:Fair] Exits:ESW> Shaddaric arrives from the south. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Trabzon:Fair] Exits:ESW> Trabzon panics, and attempts to flee. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Maldrik crashes into Shaddaric in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Maldrik massacres Shaddaric with his slash. Shaddaric wheels back and throws their axe at Maldrik, hitting them squarely. The axe returns back to him after impact. Shaddaric cleaves Maldrik extremely hard. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> env elegant.daggersneak Jierk arrives from the west. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Shaddaric steps aside as Viran attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back Trabzon Sengir arrives from the east. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> You stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> You begin moving quietly. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back Trabzon Sengir leaves west. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back TrabzonYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Sengir arrives from the west. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> eAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. Mabel Mabel Quite Contrabel is standing here. (red aura) 465H 126V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back TrabzonYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 126V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Sengir arrives from the west. 465H 126V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Maleki arrives from the east. 465H 126V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Mabel slowly fades into existence. Mabel comes out of hiding. Mabel gives her knife a quick thrust and twist, as she strikes Sengir in the back with it. 465H 126V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> wAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is sitting here, fighting Maldrik. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here, fighting Shaddaric. Viran, Wielder of Viran is sitting here, fighting Shaddaric. (red aura) 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> w Maleki arrives from the east. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Jierk leaves west. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back TrabzonAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> eAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is sitting here, fighting Maldrik. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here, fighting Shaddaric. Viran, Wielder of Viran is sitting here, fighting Shaddaric. (red aura) 465H 120V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> nAlas, you cannot go that way... 465H 120V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Shaddaric stands up. 465H 120V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> sAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 465H 118V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> back TrabzonYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 118V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> sAn Intersection Of Tunnels You find yourself in the middle of a large four way intersection of very large tunnels, which you hope are abandoned. Darkness branches off in every direction, and you are unable to make out the tunnels end. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and the floor is covered with foul pools of brackish water. Directly above you, is a small ladder which reaches up towards the base of a large stone structure. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> Maldrik arrives from the north. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> Maldrik leaves south. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> nYou begin moving quietly. 465H 130V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> nAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 465H 128V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> eAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 465H 126V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back MabelAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here, fighting Shaddaric. (red aura) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is sitting here, fighting Viran. Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Trabzon arrives from the east. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Trabzon leaves east. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back trabzonYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> e Shaddaric cleaves Viran extremely hard. Viran misses Shaddaric with his crush. 465H 124V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> An Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Trabzon Trabzoff, Crimson Maw Assassin is standing here. Edwai, Wildly Searching for his Badger is standing here, fighting Mabel. (flying) Kohin Borealis is standing here, fighting Mabel. Mabel Mabel Quite Contrabel is sitting here, fighting Kohin. (red aura) Jaime the Female Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back trabzonTrabzon reaches behind himself quickly, only to discover your deadly dagger in his back. Twinkling lights surround Trabzon and he disappears. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jaime crashes into Edwai in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Maleki arrives from the west. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Sengir arrives from the south. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Kohin yells a battle cry and fights like a madman! 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Sengir leaves west. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jaime slashes Edwai extremely hard. Edwai obliterates Mabel with his slash. Edwai annihilates Mabel with his slash. Mabel massacres Kohin with her pierce. Mabel slashes Kohin extremely hard. Kohin massacres Mabel with his slash. Kohin annihilates Mabel with his slash. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Maleki leaves west. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back MalekiYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Sengir arrives from the west. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jaime slashes Edwai very hard. Edwai obliterates Mabel with his slash. Twinkling lights surround Mabel and she disappears. Edwai massacres Jaime with his slash. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back SengirSengir makes a strange sound, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Sengir:Awful] Exits:SW> Jaime crashes into Edwai in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 465H 122V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Sengir:Awful] Exits:SW> Kohin swings madly at Jaime with a massive sword of divine wrath, cutting her a deep wound. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] [Sengir:Awful] Exits:SW> Sengir panics, and attempts to flee. Sengir leaves south. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> env elegant.daggersneaks Kohin massacres Jaime with his slash. Edwai annihilates Jaime with his slash. Edwai misses Jaime with his slash. Jaime slashes Edwai extremely hard. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back SengirYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> You begin moving quietly. 465H 122V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> An Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 465H 120V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 120V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> sAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 465H 118V 8568941X 0C Exits:NSW> back SengirYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 118V 8568941X 0C Exits:NSW> sAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 465H 116V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> back SengirYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 116V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> sAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Inky darkness flows into the area. Sengir Vampire is lying here, stunned. (green aura) Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Nasir the Original Dumbass is standing here, fighting Sengir. (flying) (red aura) 465H 114V 8568941X 0C Exits:NEW> back SengirSengir makes a strange sound but is suddenly very silent, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. Twinkling lights surround Sengir and he disappears. 465H 114V 8568941X 0C [Me:Perfect] Exits:NEW> look Someone massacres YOU with their slash. 435H 114V 8568941X 0C [Me:V.Good] Exits:NEW> It is pitch black. 435H 114V 8568941X 0C [Me:V.Good] Exits:NEW> Someone massacres YOU with their slash. Someone smites YOU extremely hard. You miss someone with your pierce. You pierce someone very hard. 392H 114V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] Exits:NEW> flYou flee head over heels. It is pitch black. 392H 112V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 392H 112V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> You begin moving quietly. 392H 112V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 392H 112V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> nYou begin moving quietly. 392H 112V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> back NasirAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 392H 110V 8568941X 0C Exits:NSW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 392H 110V 8568941X 0C Exits:NSW> sIt is pitch black. 392H 108V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> sIt is pitch black. 392H 106V 8568941X 0C Exits:NEW> back NasirSomeone massacres YOU with their slash. You can't do that while fighting. 363H 106V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] Exits:NEW> flYou flee head over heels. It is pitch black. 363H 104V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> wAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 363H 102V 8568941X 0C Exits:NEW> nAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 363H 100V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> nAn Intersection Of Tunnels You find yourself in the middle of a large four way intersection of very large tunnels, which you hope are abandoned. Darkness branches off in every direction, and you are unable to make out the tunnels end. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and the floor is covered with foul pools of brackish water. Directly above you, is a small ladder which reaches up towards the base of a large stone structure. 363H 98V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 363H 98V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> You begin moving quietly. 363H 98V 8568941X 0C Exits:NESW> nAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 363H 96V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> nAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 363H 94V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> nAlas, you cannot go that way... 363H 94V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> wAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is sitting here, fighting Viran. Viran, Wielder of Viran is sitting here, fighting Maleki. (red aura) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here, fighting Viran. 363H 92V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Viran stands up. 363H 92V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Viran panics, and attempts to flee. Viran leaves east. 363H 92V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> wAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 363H 90V 8568941X 0C Exits:ES> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 363H 90V 8568941X 0C Exits:ES> eYou begin moving quietly. 363H 90V 8568941X 0C Exits:ES> eAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 363H 88V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back ViranAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. 363H 86V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 363H 86V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> sAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 363H 84V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> back ViranYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 363H 84V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> nAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. 363H 82V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> e Viran arrives from the east. 363H 82V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back ViranAn Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. 363H 80V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 363H 80V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Jierk leaves east. 363H 80V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> wAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (red aura) 363H 78V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> back ViranViran makes a strange sound, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. Viran appears noticeably weaker. 363H 78V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:ESW> Jierk arrives from the east. 363H 78V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] [Viran:V.Bad] Exits:ESW> Viran panics, and attempts to flee. Viran leaves east. 363H 78V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> Jierk leaves east. 363H 78V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> env elegant.daggersneakeback ViranYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 363H 78V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> You begin moving quietly. 363H 78V 8568941X 0C Exits:ESW> An Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 363H 76V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 363H 76V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> eAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is sitting here, fighting Viran. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here, fighting Jierk. (red aura) Edwai, Wildly Searching for his Badger is standing here, fighting Viran. (flying) Kohin Borealis is standing here, fighting Viran. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> eAlas, you cannot go that way... 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back ViranViran is flailing around too much. Oh well. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Edwai massacres Viran with his slash. Edwai slashes Viran extremely hard. Kohin massacres Viran with his slash. Viran massacres Jierk with his crush. Jierk slashes Viran very hard. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Edwai delivers a vicious kick to Viran's face. Blood flies as his head snaps back. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> You begin moving quietly. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back ViranJierk stands up. Viran is flailing around too much. Oh well. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jierk crashes into Viran in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Edwai annihilates Viran with his slash. Edwai massacres Viran with his slash. Twinkling lights surround Viran and he disappears. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jerrin flies in from the south. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> You begin moving quietly. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Edwai slowly fades into existence. Edwai annihilates Jierk with his slash. 363H 74V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> back jerrin Edwai massacres Jierk with his slash. Edwai massacres Jierk with his slash. Jierk slashes Edwai very hard. 383H 104V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jerrin makes a strange sound, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. 383H 104V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> Kohin swings madly at Jierk with a massive sword of divine wrath, knocking him to the ground. 383H 104V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> flflfl Edwai strikes Jierk's weapon, nearly disarming it. 383H 104V 8568941X 0C [Me:Good] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> Kohin massacres Jierk with his slash. You pierce Jerrin very hard. You pierce Jerrin very hard. Jerrin massacres YOU with his slash. Jerrin smites YOU extremely hard. Edwai annihilates Jierk with his slash. Edwai annihilates Jierk with his slash. Jierk misses Edwai with his slash. 338H 104V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Fair] Exits:SW> You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 338H 102V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 338H 102V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 338H 102V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 338H 102V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> nback JerrinYou begin moving quietly. 338H 102V 8568941X 0C Exits:NS> An Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is standing here. (flying) (red aura) (green aura) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is sitting here, fighting Edwai. Edwai, Wildly Searching for his Badger is standing here, fighting Jierk. (flying) Kohin Borealis is standing here, fighting Jierk. 338H 100V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jerrin makes a strange sound, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. Jerrin appears noticeably weaker. 338H 100V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Fair] Exits:SW> Jierk stands up. 338H 100V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Fair] Exits:SW> Jierk crashes into Edwai in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 338H 100V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Fair] Exits:SW> You spasm as Jerrin places his hand on your chest and drains your life-force. The room grows colder as a dark shadow descends upon you. 299H 6V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Perfect] Exits:SW> You massacre Jerrin with your pierce. You pierce Jerrin extremely hard. Jerrin slashes YOU extremely hard. Jerrin smites YOU extremely hard. Kohin massacres Jierk with his slash. Edwai annihilates Jierk with his slash. Edwai massacres Jierk with his slash. Jierk slashes Edwai extremely hard. 262H 6V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:V.Good] Exits:SW> fl Kohin charges at you, but you manage to move away. 262H 6V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:V.Good] Exits:SW> flYou flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 262H 4V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 262H 4V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 262H 4V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> eYou begin moving quietly. 262H 4V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back JerrinAn Abandoned Tunnel You find yourself at a three way intersection in this maze of ancient tunnels. The ancient silence of memory is broken only by the steady drip of water, and the echoes which your movement causes. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be elsewhere. Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here, fighting Edwai. Edwai, Wildly Searching for his Badger is sitting here, fighting Jierk. (flying) Kohin Borealis is standing here, fighting Jierk. 262H 2V 8568941X 0C Exits:SW> Jerrin makes a strange sound, as you place an elegant dagger in his back. Jerrin appears noticeably weaker. 262H 2V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> Jerrin disarms your weapon. 262H 2V 8568941X 0C [Me:Fair] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> You miss Jerrin with your hit. You pierce Jerrin very hard. Jerrin slashes YOU extremely hard. Jerrin smites YOU extremely hard. Kohin slashes Jierk extremely hard. Edwai annihilates Jierk with his slash. Edwai massacres Jierk with his slash. Jierk slashes Edwai hard. 228H 2V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> flflfl Edwai stands up. 228H 2V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Jerrin:Good] Exits:SW> Jierk panics, and attempts to flee. Jierk leaves south. You flee head over heels. An Abandoned Tunnel With every step you take through these abandoned tunnels, the bottoms of your leg become thoroughly soaked, as your footsteps kick up the foul pools of water underfoot. The tunnels are large enough for a trio of ogres to walk upright, shoulder to shoulder, and the ceiling above you is shrouded by darkness. The poignant stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, and you find yourself wishing to be out of this maze of darkness. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> env elegant.daggersneakYou're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> eYou're not fighting, why bother fleeing? 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back JerrinYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You begin moving quietly. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You are too exhausted. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You couldn't find what you were looking for. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> get allYou don't see what you are looking for here. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> eYou are too exhausted. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> get allYou don't see what you are looking for here. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> env elegant.daggersneakYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You begin moving quietly. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Kohin arrives from the east. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> quaff potion Jerrin flies in from the east. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Sirens blare from all around you. Someone says 'Illegal action blocked! 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> back jerriYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> Kohin charges at you, but you manage to move away. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:V.Good] Exits:EW> Jerrin flies west. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:V.Good] Exits:EW> Jerrin flies in from the west. 228H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:V.Good] Exits:EW> Kohin massacres YOU with his slash. You miss Kohin with your hit. You pierce Kohin very hard. 207H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> eqYou are using: a wooden glows blue the seal of Balifor (invisible) glows blue a smokey glass charm an assassin's glows blue a suit of solid silver platemail some slimy eel skin leggings a pair of high soft leather glows blue a pair of the weaponsmaster's glows blue the ancient sleeves of glows blue a translucent shroud (invisible) a wide crimson glows blue a bloodstained steel glows blue a gleaming gladiatorial glows blue a hooked blood glows blue 207H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> Jerrin massacres YOU with his slash. 186H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> rem daggerYou stop using a hooked blood dagger. 186H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> wield daggerYou start using the dagger. 186H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> Jerrin slashes YOU extremely hard. Jerrin smites YOU extremely hard. Kohin massacres YOU with his slash. You massacre Kohin with your pierce. 132H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:V.Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> fl Jerrin attacks with lightning fast series of attacks that leaves you defenseless. 132H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:V.Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> Kohin yells a battle cry and fights like a madman! 132H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:V.Bad] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> Jerrin massacres YOU with his slash. Jerrin smites YOU extremely hard. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! Kohin annihilates YOU with his slash. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You pierce Kohin extremely hard. 53H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Awful] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> 'nooooYou are too exhausted. 53H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Awful] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> You say 'noooo' 53H 0V 8568941X 0C [Me:Awful] [Kohin:Good] Exits:EW> You return to your normal fighting style. Jerrin slashes YOU extremely hard. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! Jerrin smites YOU extremely hard. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! Kohin misses you with his slash. Kohin massacres YOU with his slash. You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. -3H 0V 8568941X 0C Exits:EW> You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided. Twinkling lights surround you and cover your body entirely. When they disappear, you find yourself somewhere else. Lie still, you are dead. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> Maleki says 'I hate dk's' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> i Sengir shrugs helplessly. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> From a small monitor: Sancho says '7 down 7 left' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> env daggersneak Trabzon says 'wtf is chitzkoi?' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> Maleki says 'thief' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> You are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> You stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon says '160 stabs' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon snickers softly. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> kneek crysaniaHuh?! 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> drink fountainYou drink the silver elixir. You do not feel thirsty. You are full. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (red aura) Jaime the Female Hylar Dwarf is standing here. Sengir Vampire is resting here. (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'yea he stabed me too' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (red aura) Jaime the Female Hylar Dwarf is standing here. Sengir Vampire is resting here. (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (red aura) Jaime the Female Hylar Dwarf is standing here. Sengir Vampire is resting here. (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric says 'damm' 13H 0V 8568941X 0C> kneel crysaniaYour entire body tingles for a few seconds. Crysania focuses on you and utters the words 'pzar.' 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'i got 3 stabds' 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> drink fountainYour stomach can't contain anymore! 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> eq Trabzon says 'never seen himbefore :p' 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> You are using: a wooden glows blue the seal of Balifor (invisible) glows blue a smokey glass charm an assassin's glows blue a suit of solid silver platemail some slimy eel skin leggings a pair of high soft leather glows blue a pair of the weaponsmaster's glows blue the ancient sleeves of glows blue a translucent shroud (invisible) a wide crimson glows blue a bloodstained steel glows blue a gleaming gladiatorial glows blue a hooked blood glows blue 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> Jaime has lost her link. 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> rem hooked Sengir says 'from him 1' 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon looks at you. 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> You stop using a hooked blood dagger. 239H 0V 8568941X 0C> Sengir looks really sick, and shivers uncomfortably. Shaddaric says 'so lclose to kill maldrik' 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> hold hookedYou start using the dagger as a secondary weapon. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'from u 2 mabel' 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> Sengir stands up. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (red aura) Jaime the Female Hylar Dwarf is standing here. Sengir Vampire is standing here. (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> env daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Sengir. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> Sengir sits down and rests. 249H 30V 8568941X 0C> kneel crysaniaYour entire body tingles for a few seconds. Crysania focuses on you and utters the words 'pzar.' 357H 30V 8568941X 0C> Maleki says 'I accidently war danced on nasir' 357H 30V 8568941X 0C> kneel crysaniaYour entire body tingles for a few seconds. Crysania focuses on you and utters the words 'pzar.' 411H 30V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon stands up. 411H 30V 8568941X 0C> kneel crysaniaYour entire body tingles for a few seconds. Crysania focuses on you and utters the words 'pzar.' 438H 30V 8568941X 0C> kneel crysaniaYour entire body tingles for a few seconds. Crysania focuses on you and utters the words 'pzar.' 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric sits down and rests. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Jaime disappears in a mushroom cloud. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Jierk. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> 'damn mantleYou say 'damn mantle' 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> env daggersneak Shaddaric says 'heal plz' 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> You stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> lookYou begin moving quietly. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> The Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. Trabzon Trabzoff, Crimson Maw Assassin is standing here. (invisible) Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Jierk stops using a green hilted machete. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'pray' 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Jierk wields a steel sabre. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Shaddaric. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik sniffs sadly. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Sengir stands up. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Sengir. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Sengir sits down and rests. 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> i Jierk says 'that it?' 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> eqYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> You are using: a wooden glows blue the seal of Balifor (invisible) glows blue a smokey glass charm an assassin's glows blue a suit of solid silver platemail some slimy eel skin leggings a pair of high soft leather glows blue a pair of the weaponsmaster's glows blue the ancient sleeves of glows blue a translucent shroud (invisible) a wide crimson glows blue a bloodstained steel glows blue a gleaming gladiatorial glows blue a hooked blood glows blue 451H 30V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik appears rejuvenated. Maldrik rises up off the ground. Jierk appears rejuvenated. Jierk rises up off the ground. Shaddaric appears rejuvenated. Shaddaric rises up off the ground. The rules committee laughs at your wimpy legs. You feel less tired. You rise up off the ground. Maleki appears rejuvenated. Maleki rises up off the ground. Viran appears rejuvenated. Viran rises up off the ground. Sengir appears rejuvenated. Sengir rises up off the ground. Mabel appears rejuvenated. Mabel rises up off the ground. Trabzon appears rejuvenated. Trabzon rises up off the ground. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Maldrik. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric waps Maldrik with his staff. Looks like war! 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik smiles warmly. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> env daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric says 'so close!' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Viran says 'heal up' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel says 'kneel crysania' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik stops using a small lucern hammer. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik gets a maul from his chest. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> env elegant.daggersneakYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik wields a heavy wooden maul. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric says 'if whats his name didt show up' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric huffs in exasperation. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maleki says 'I had you viran' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk licks Viran. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik says 'he stole it anyway :(' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maleki says 'was so close' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk says 'i had viran' 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik ruffles Jierk's hair playfully. 451H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir looks really sick, and shivers uncomfortably. Jierk says 'did i get viran?' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tries to sip, but fails! 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Viran says 'what ?' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir applies bandages to his wounds. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Kohin. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon studies the room and its contents carefully. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir relaxes and seems to focus on the air in front of him. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk whispers something to Kohin. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik gets a potion from his chest. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik quaffs a milky potion of see invisible. Maldrik rubs his eyes and looks about himself with clarity. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> There is lightning in the sky. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric says 'friggen edwais oblits' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric mutters under his breath. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'yes' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel says 'evil' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel gives Kohin a vicious beating! 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin laughs heartily. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'edwai killed my basher ' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin points at Mabel and falls down laughing. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir says 'ine the 1st tournament' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir shrugs helplessly. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tried to drink but missed his mouth! 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tries to sip, but fails! 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tries to sip, but fails! 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tries to sip, but fails! 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel says 'crossguard fucking hurts' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel stands up. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> eqYou are using: a wooden glows blue the seal of Balifor (invisible) glows blue a smokey glass charm an assassin's glows blue a suit of solid silver platemail some slimy eel skin leggings a pair of high soft leather glows blue a pair of the weaponsmaster's glows blue the ancient sleeves of glows blue a translucent shroud (invisible) a wide crimson glows blue a bloodstained steel glows blue a gleaming gladiatorial glows blue a hooked blood glows blue 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> env elegant.daggersneakYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin laughs heartily. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel says 'didnt realize it lagged that much' 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Kohin Borealis is standing here. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 461H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir looks really sick, and shivers uncomfortably. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin tries to sip, but fails! 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> get shadowy Sengir shrugs helplessly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> You get a shadowy shortsword. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> wield shadowyYou start using the shortsword. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel says 'go envenom hehe' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Nasir. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin tried to drink but missed his mouth! 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Nasir begins resting but stays aloft. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon says 'is there another round?' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin looks at Nasir. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Nasir appears rejuvenated. Nasir rises up off the ground. Kohin appears rejuvenated. Kohin rises up off the ground. Maldrik appears rejuvenated. Maldrik rises up off the ground. Jierk appears rejuvenated. Jierk rises up off the ground. Shaddaric appears rejuvenated. Shaddaric rises up off the ground. The rules committee laughs at your wimpy legs. You feel less tired. You rise up off the ground. Maleki appears rejuvenated. Maleki rises up off the ground. Viran appears rejuvenated. Viran rises up off the ground. Sengir appears rejuvenated. Sengir rises up off the ground. Mabel appears rejuvenated. Mabel rises up off the ground. Trabzon appears rejuvenated. Trabzon rises up off the ground. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maleki nods solemnly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir stands up. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Sengir. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir begins resting but stays aloft. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. (flying) Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> eqYou are using: a wooden glows blue the seal of Balifor (invisible) glows blue a smokey glass charm an assassin's glows blue a suit of solid silver platemail some slimy eel skin leggings a pair of high soft leather glows blue a pair of the weaponsmaster's glows blue the ancient sleeves of glows blue a translucent shroud (invisible) a wide crimson glows blue a bloodstained steel glows blue a gleaming gladiatorial glows blue a shadowy glows blue a hooked blood glows blue 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> env elegant.daggersneakYou couldn't find what you were looking for. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> listSorry, but you cannot do that here! 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. (flying) Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tries to sip, but fails! 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Trabzon begins resting but stays aloft. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir tries to sip, but fails! 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk gets a helm of seeing. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir smiles warmly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk drops a helm of seeing. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk says 'i need better gear' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Jerrin. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. A helm of seeing is lying here. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. (flying) Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is resting here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) Mabel Mabel Quite Contrabel is standing here. (flying) (invisible) (red aura) Trabzon Trabzoff, Crimson Maw Assassin is resting here. (flying) (invisible) Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk says 'my sword sucks' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jerrin begins resting but stays aloft. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> saveQueued for saving. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric stands up. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Viran says 'hey' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Shaddaric gets a helm of seeing. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho crawls out of his hole. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Viran says 'sancho' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jerrin gives you an elegant dagger. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> 'thanksYou say 'thanks' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho snickers softly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> rem shadowyYou stop using a shadowy shortsword. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> drop shadowyYou drop a shadowy shortsword. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> wield elegantYou start using the dagger. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> look Jerrin closes his prayerbook with a content look on his face. The shadow enfolding you fades away. Sengir looks really sick, and shivers uncomfortably. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> The Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue [2] A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Sancho Lopez is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. (flying) Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) Mabel Mabel Quite Contrabel is standing here. (flying) (invisible) (red aura) You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maleki gets a bread from his chest. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maleki nibbles on a roll of bread. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> 'nice kicking my ass jerrin Sancho peers into Viran's pockets. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> You say 'nice kicking my ass jerrin' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Edwai arrives from a puff of smoke. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maleki gets a bread from his chest. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Maldrik looks at Sengir. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho says 'jerrin got 0 kills!' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Edwai. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Edwai stands up. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Mabel says 'guess edwai wins hehe' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Edwai laughs heartily. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jerrin snorts loudly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue [2] A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Edwai, Wildly Searching for his Badger is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Sancho Lopez is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. (flying) Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin looks at Edwai. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin says 'evil ass edwai' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho says 'edwai 1st place' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> *Jerrin people stole my shit 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir stands up. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Crysania heals Sengir. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho gives some steel coins to Edwai. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sengir begins resting but stays aloft. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho says 'if you disarmed someone' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho says 'return their weapon now' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> iYou are carrying: a potion of refresh [4] a small wooden chest (invisible) 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> eqYou are using: a wooden glows blue the seal of Balifor (invisible) glows blue a smokey glass charm an assassin's glows blue a suit of solid silver platemail some slimy eel skin leggings a pair of high soft leather glows blue a pair of the weaponsmaster's glows blue the ancient sleeves of glows blue a translucent shroud (invisible) a wide crimson glows blue a bloodstained steel glows blue a gleaming gladiatorial glows blue an elegant glows blue a hooked blood glows blue 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> env elegant.daggersneakYou stealthily dip the dagger in a toxic concoction of your own making. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> You begin moving quietly. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> *Jerrin did 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> lookThe Pit Of Shame You find yourself in a large pit of shame, probably because you lost this round. Please wait here until the round is over. The fountain will provide food and water. For those wishing to go home, the portal will take you there. a shadowy shortsword lies glows blue [2] A helm of seeing is lying here. a small beaker lies here A magical portal shimmers with an unknown source of glows glows hums softly A large stone fountain with a sign on it sits in the middle of the room. Edwai, Wildly Searching for his Badger is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Sancho Lopez is standing here. (flying) (invisible) Jerrin, Runt of Clan Wimp is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Nasir the Original Dumbass is resting here. (flying) (red aura) Kohin Borealis is standing here. (flying) Maldrik the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Jierk Upwrite, Four Pleasures In One is standing here. (flying) Shaddaric, The Shadow of Death is standing here. (flying) Sir Maleki, Darkmoon S.W.A.T. is standing here. (flying) Viran, Wielder of Viran is standing here. (flying) (red aura) Sengir Vampire is resting here. (flying) (green aura) You sense that you are not alone. You sense that you are not alone. Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, stands here to further instruct you. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho says '2nd place nasir' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> *Jerrin was a good monkey 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho gives some steel coins to Nasir. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jerrin sneers. 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Kohin tries to sip, but fails! 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Jierk says 'me third!' 465H 132V 8568941X 0C> Sancho says '3rd place kohin' Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls