yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What is the worst change this wipe? (*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Randomer Scum Hits the Deck... POV: Xion Log Rating: -1.0000 Rasputin will never learn...... Poor Soul Start logging: 20.11.2004 14:16 Mortals ------- Warriv the Male Minotaur Total visible people : 1 Total people online : 50 xxxH 118V 9555583X 764C Exits:SW> Gregorious stands up. xxxH 118V 9555583X 764C Exits:SW> who r* Mortals ------- A Male Gnome Total visible people : 1 Total people online : 50 xxxH 118V 9555583X 764C Exits:SW> who rasputin Mortals ------- A Male Gnome Total visible people : 1 Total people online : 51 xxxH 103V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW> You tell your group 'e' xxxH 103V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW> gt s You tell your group 's' xxxH 103V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW> Gregorious flies south. A pech leaves south. You follow Gregorious south. You kneel down and study the ground. Your victim's tracks lead south. Inside the Gates This large tunnel, just behind the keep's gates, travels through the thick stone walls. The ceiling above you is curved and supported by several small arches, and two great arches stand on either end of this tunnel where they lead out into openness. The road's pavement is made of smooth, gray cobblestones about the size of your fist. Torches mounted on iron brackets provide almost all of the light for the tunnel. The air seems relatively stagnant throughout the tunnel, and mixes only with the fresh outside air at the ends. The cobblestone road heads north into the town of Vingaard, and south into the surrounding lands of grain. A small pigmy-like creature stands here. Gregorious de Gregarious, Controlling Chaos Storms is standing here. (flying) (invisible) . . . has a tough exterior. xxxH 102V 9555583X 764C Exits:NS> gt s You tell your group 's' xxxH 102V 9555583X 764C Exits:NS> Gregorious flies south. A pech leaves south. You follow Gregorious south. You kneel down and study the ground. Your victim's tracks lead south. Before the South Gates of Vingaard Vingaard's immense iron gates stand directly to the north, where they present a significant obstacle to any attacking force, but currently they have been raised high to allow passage of people and horses. High stone walls run east and west from here, extending quite a ways before turning beyond your vision. A road heads south where it quickly turns and heads west, passing the toll station as it travels through fields of grain, and a cobblestone avenue heads north through the gates. A small pigmy-like creature stands here. Gregorious de Gregarious, Controlling Chaos Storms is standing here. (flying) (invisible) . . . has a tough exterior. An adventurer wanders about Vingaard, looking for excitement. xxxH 101V 9555583X 764C Exits:NS> gt s You tell your group 's' xxxH 101V 9555583X 764C Exits:NS> Gregorious flies south. A pech leaves south. You follow Gregorious south. You kneel down and study the ground. Your victim's tracks end here. The Tollhouse This small stone building stands at the junction of the roads from Palanthas to the west, Kalaman to the east, and Solanthus to the south. A road leads north to the gates of the City of Vingaard, and east to the main keep atop the hill. Inside the tollhouse there are some long benches for those waiting to meet with the tax collector, who sits behind the large table toward the back. Behind this table is a large safe mounted in the wall, storing the collected taxes waiting to be added to the city's coffers. A small staircase leads up to a small hatch in the ceiling. Travelers wishing to pass must pay the toll, then head west to Palanthas, north through the city and east to Kalaman, or south toward the Newsea. A wooden sign on a pole directs travellers to their destinations. A small pigmy-like creature stands here. Gregorious de Gregarious, Controlling Chaos Storms is standing here. (flying) (invisible) . . . has a tough exterior. (flying) Rasputin the Male Gnome is stretched out on a wooden bench. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW(U)> Gregorious focuses harshly on Rasputin and utters some strange words. Rasputin is paralyzed! xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW(U)> bash rasputin You crash into Rasputin in a bone crunching bash, sending him sprawling to the ground. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C [Xion:Perfect] [Rasputin:V.Good] Exits:NESW(U)> Gregorious focuses harshly on Rasputin and utters some strange words. Gregorious slowly fades into existence. Huge flames burn Rasputin from above. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C [Xion:Perfect] [Rasputin:Fair] Exits:NESW(U)> bash rasputin You stab Rasputin extremely hard. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C [Xion:Perfect] [Rasputin:Bad] Exits:NESW(U)> Gregorious focuses harshly on Rasputin and utters some strange words. Gregorious slowly fades into existence. Huge flames burn Rasputin from above. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C [Xion:Perfect] [Rasputin:Awful] Exits:NESW(U)> You massacre Rasputin with your stab. Rasputin is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C [Rasputin:Dying] Exits:NESW(U)> Rasputin doesn't recover as you deliver the bash -- he is dead. You receive 0 experience. Rasputin is dead! R.I.P. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C [Rasputin:Dying] Exits:NESW(U)> The death cry of Rasputin echoes from somewhere nearby... xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW(U)> Gregorious gets a large pile of coins from the corpse of Rasputin. xxxH 100V 9555583X 764C Exits:NESW(U)> Gregorious gets a purple velvet robe from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets a small canteen from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets a small canteen from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets a small canteen from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets an iron ration from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Rasputin. Gregorious gets a large waterskin from the corpse of Rasputin. Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls