yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What is the worst change this wipe? (*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Astip R.I.P POV: Astip Log Rating: 1.2000 Ambushed! Keyan FLIES IN -----> SOUTH Keyan kneels down and studies the ground. Naruto FLIES IN -----> SOUTH Ilix FLIES IN -----> SOUTH Cort FLIES IN -----> SOUTH 338H 64V 15480023X 78C Exits:NS> <--->Naruto TRIED TO BASH YOU!<---> 338H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Perfect] [Naruto:Perfect] Exits:NS> Cort focuses harshly on you and utters the words, 'paralysis'. Your limbs freeze in place! 338H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Perfect] Exits:NS> Keyan slowly fades into existence. YOU ARE BASHED BY ------->Keyan<------- 315H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:V.Good] [Naruto:Perfect] Exits:NS> Keyan _MASSACRES_ YOU with his slash. Keyan is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. Keyan ^ANNIHILATES^ YOU with his slash. Keyan is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. Naruto _MASSACRES_ YOU with his slash. Naruto is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. 216H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Fair] [Naruto:V.Good] Exits:NS> Ilix _MASSACRES_ YOU with his cleave. Ilix is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. 187H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Fair] [Naruto:V.Good] Exits:NS> Ilix cleaves YOU very hard. Ilix is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. Ilix slashes YOU extremely hard. Ilix is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. Keyan _MASSACRES_ YOU with his slash. Keyan is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. Keyan ^ANNIHILATES^ YOU with his slash. Keyan is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. Naruto _MASSACRES_ YOU with his slash. Naruto is chilled as he passes through your freezing aura. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 60H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Awful] [Naruto:V.Good] Exits:NS> YOU ARE BASHED BY ------->Ilix<------- You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 46H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Awful] [Naruto:V.Good] Exits:NS> YOU ARE BASHED BY ------->Keyan<------- You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! 23H 64V 15480023X 78C [Me:Awful] [Naruto:V.Good] Exits:NS> Cort focuses harshly on you and utters the words, 'flame shroud'. You die a fiery death as someone enshrouds you in a cloak of flames. You're dead. -11H 64V 15480023X 78C Exits:NS> You regain control of your body. You feel smaller. <-----> LOST ICESHIELD! <-----> Your skin softens. 0) Leave Arctic. 1) Enter the game. 2) Change your description. 3) Change your password. 4) Delete this character. Make a choice: Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls