yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What is the worst change this wipe? (*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Round 2 POV: Tiggil Log Rating: 3.0000 Party at Shi'ar's. Uther flies in from the north. Rakkor flies in from the north. Nevinyrral flies in from the north. Jut flies in from the north. Elie flies in from the north. Delvar flies in from the north. Keila flies in from the north. Forseti flies in from the north. Vinoa flies in from the north. 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Brodie crashes into Keila in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! Martel pierces Uther extremely hard. Tikle focuses harshly on Elie and utters the words, 'hold person'. **Keyan: tig you'll recall and go d w of inn Visara crashes into Elie in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Visara annihilates Elie with her crush. Elie slowly fades into existence. Visara is chilled, as she swings at Elie. The darkness flowing from Nightbringer hits Elie with force! Elie seems to be blinded! Elie misses Visara with her bludgeon. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Martel pierces Uther extremely hard. Brodie stabs Keila extremely hard. Keila bruises Brodie with her bludgeon. Vuldar steps aside as Nevinyrral attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Vinoa crashes into Visara in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Promina comes out of hiding. Promina massacres Uther with her shoot. 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Waldo steps aside as Rakkor attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses on Vinoa and utters some strange words. 372H 120V 1487C Mem:1 Exits:ND> Jut utters some strange words. Jut slowly fades into existence. Nevinyrral is shredded by shards of ice. Salah is shredded by shards of ice. Waldo is shredded by shards of ice. Visara is shredded by shards of ice. Vuldar is shredded by shards of ice. Brodie is shredded by shards of ice. Promina is shredded by shards of ice. Tikle is shredded by shards of ice. Your body is torn by huge pieces of ice. Keyan is shredded by shards of ice. Martel is shredded by shards of ice. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Keyan crashes into Uther in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> c 'hold p' hriazWho should the spell be cast upon? 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Waldo panics, and attempts to flee. Waldo flies down. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Forseti crashes into Brodie in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> stYou are already standing. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> gro Waldo flies in from below. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Your group of 10 members consists of: Keyan v.good rested fighting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Tikle v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Promina v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Visara v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo v.good rested standing Y N N Y 0 1 Salah v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:Perfect] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Keyan bludgeons Jut very hard. Keyan is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Tikle misses Jut with his hit. Salah slashes Jut extremely hard. Salah is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Salah slashes Jut very hard. Salah is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Jut pierces Nevinyrral extremely hard. Promina massacres Uther with her shoot. Promina massacres Uther with her shoot. Vinoa crushes Visara extremely hard. Vinoa crushes Visara hard. Nevinyrral slashes Vuldar extremely hard. Vuldar misses Nevinyrral with his slash. Visara annihilates Elie with her crush. Visara is chilled, as she swings at Elie. Elie misses Visara with her bludgeon. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Uther misses Martel with his slash. Martel massacres Uther with his pierce. Brodie massacres Keila with his stab. Keila bludgeons Brodie very hard. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> You come up against a field of magical force blocking this direction. Movement to the north has been blocked by a shimmering field of force. Vuldar panics, and attempts to flee. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> groYour group of 10 members consists of: Keyan v.good rested fighting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Tikle v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Promina v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Visara good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo v.good rested standing Y N N Y 0 1 Salah v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses on Rakkor and utters some strange words. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Salah focuses his purity on Jut's leg! Salah forces Jut to the ground. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Waldo comes out of hiding. Waldo annihilates Keila with his shoot. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> You come up against a field of magical force blocking this direction. Movement to the north has been blocked by a shimmering field of force. Vuldar panics, and attempts to flee. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> groYour group of 10 members consists of: Keyan v.good rested fighting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Tikle v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Promina v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Visara good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Elie stands up. Keila stands up. 351H 120V 1487C [Me:V.Good] [Nevinyrral:V.Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Elie utters some strange words. Waldo is shredded by shards of ice. Nevinyrral is shredded by shards of ice. Salah is shredded by shards of ice. Visara is shredded by shards of ice. Vuldar is shredded by shards of ice. Brodie is shredded by shards of ice. Promina is shredded by shards of ice. Tikle is shredded by shards of ice. Your body is torn by huge pieces of ice. Keyan is shredded by shards of ice. Martel is shredded by shards of ice. 322H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:V.Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Vuldar utters some strange words. Vinoa is shredded by shards of ice. Forseti appears to grow stronger. Forseti manages to avoid the brunt of the storm. Keila is shredded by shards of ice. Delvar appears to grow stronger. Delvar manages to avoid the brunt of the storm. Elie is shredded by shards of ice. Jut is shredded by shards of ice. Nevinyrral is shredded by shards of ice. Rakkor is shredded by shards of ice. Uther is shredded by shards of ice. 322H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Good] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Rakkor cleaves Vuldar extremely hard. Rakkor cleaves Vuldar extremely hard. Delvar drains Vuldar extremely hard. Waldo massacres Keila with his shoot. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Keyan massacres Jut with his bludgeon. Keyan is chilled, as he swings at Jut. You bludgeon Jut very hard. You feel a sharp chill as you swing through Jut's freezing aura. Tikle misses Jut with his hit. Salah massacres Jut with his slash. Salah is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Salah slashes Jut extremely hard. Salah is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Promina massacres Uther with her shoot. Promina annihilates Uther with her shoot. Vinoa crushes Visara extremely hard. Nevinyrral slashes Vuldar extremely hard. Visara crushes Elie extremely hard. Visara is chilled, as she swings at Elie. The darkness flowing from Nightbringer hits Elie with force! Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Martel massacres Uther with his pierce. Brodie stabs Keila extremely hard. Keila misses Brodie with her bludgeon. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Nevinyrral stands up. You come up against a field of magical force blocking this direction. Movement to the north has been blocked by a shimmering field of force. Keila panics, and attempts to flee. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Promina stops fighting her opponent and turns to Jut instead. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> gro Visara steps aside as Vinoa attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on her face. Nevinyrral crashes into Vuldar in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Your group of 10 members consists of: Keyan good rested fighting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Tikle good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Promina good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 2 Visara fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 1 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses on Forseti and utters some strange words. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> stYou are already standing. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Jut steps aside as Keyan attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Tikle focuses on Vuldar and utters the words, 'heal'. Tikle heals Vuldar. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Uther stands up. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> c 'heal' vuldar Waldo panics, and attempts to flee. Waldo flies down. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:1 Exits:ND> Your casting is disrupted by the fighting! 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ND> Uther crashes into Martel in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ND> Keila panics, and attempts to flee. Keila flies down. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ND> Waldo flies in from below. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ND> Rakkor stands up. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ND> Vuldar steps aside as Rakkor attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Good] [Jut:Fair] Mem:2 Exits:ND> c 'heal' visara Brodie stabs Forseti extremely hard. Promina massacres Jut with her shoot. Promina massacres Jut with her shoot. Rakkor massacres Vuldar with his cleave. Rakkor massacres Vuldar with his cleave. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Keyan massacres Jut with his bludgeon. Keyan is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Salah massacres Jut with his slash. Salah is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Salah slashes Jut extremely hard. Salah is chilled, as he swings at Jut. Jut misses Nevinyrral with his pierce. Vinoa crushes Visara extremely hard. Nevinyrral slashes Vuldar extremely hard. Vuldar slashes Nevinyrral very hard. Visara massacres Elie with her crush. Visara is chilled, as she swings at Elie. Elie misses Visara with her bludgeon. Uther annihilates Martel with his slash. Uther annihilates Martel with his slash. Martel pierces Uther extremely hard. Elie utters some strange words. A huge swarm of biting, stinging insects fills the air. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:2 Exits:ND> You utter the words, 'heal' You heal Visara. Brodie steps aside as Forseti attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Visara stands up. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Visara crashes into Elie in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah focuses harshly on Uther and utters some strange words. Delvar focuses on Nevinyrral and utters some strange words. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Jut stands up. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina looks at Jut. 316H 120V 1487C [Me:Good] [Nevinyrral:Fair] [Jut:V.Bad] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Jut panics, and attempts to flee. Jut flies down. Brodie stands up. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo annihilates Elie with his shoot. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vinoa stands up. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Uther crashes into Waldo in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Rakkor stands up. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Visara screams as a swarm of insects engulfs her. Waldo annihilates Elie with his shoot. Waldo annihilates Elie with his shoot. Brodie annihilates Forseti with his stab. Rakkor cleaves Vuldar extremely hard. Rakkor massacres Vuldar with his cleave. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Vinoa misses Visara with her crush. Vinoa misses Visara with her crush. Nevinyrral slashes Vuldar extremely hard. Vuldar massacres Nevinyrral with his slash. Visara annihilates Elie with her crush. Visara is chilled, as she swings at Elie. Elie is stunned, but will likely regain consciousness again. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Martel pierces Uther extremely hard. Forseti stands up. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina comes out of hiding. Promina obliterates Elie with her shoot. You receive 0 experience. g coins corpseElie is dead! R.I.P. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Tikle focuses on Martel and utters the words, 'heal'. Tikle heals Martel. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> The death cry of Elie echoes from somewhere nearby... Elie stops following Uther. 316H 120V 1487C Mem:3 Exits:ND> You get a small pile of coins from the corpse of Elie. There were 2 coins. split 2 316H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> You'll have to split more than that, tightwad. 316H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> You are sent sprawling as Vinoa crashes into you. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Keila flies in from below. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah focuses harshly on Uther and utters some strange words. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo steps aside as Rakkor attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses harshly on Vuldar and utters some strange words. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Delvar's force bolt slams into Vuldar. Keyan stands up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Martel stands up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Uther crashes into Tikle in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Nevinyrral gets a lightning rod from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a black and crooked staff from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral is zapped by a bracelet of threaded rose petals and instantly drops it. Nevinyrral gets a grey stone bracelet from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a plain component pouch from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral is zapped by a belt of seashells and instantly drops it. Nevinyrral is zapped by a long flowing robe crafted of oak leaves and instantly drops it. Nevinyrral gets a small diamond shield from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a pair of crystal crimson armbands from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a pair of green elven boots from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets some black satin pants with deep pockets from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a pair of silver spectacles from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral is zapped by a rhinoceros beetle's carapace and instantly drops it. Nevinyrral gets an ancient medallion from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral is zapped by a silver chain of maple leaves and instantly drops it. Nevinyrral is zapped by an Aurinite ring and instantly drops it. Nevinyrral gets a rolled bromeliad leaf from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a small canteen from the corpse of Elie. Nevinyrral gets a dull green potion from the corpse of Elie. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Brodie crashes into Keila in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Keyan slowly fades into existence. Uther steps aside as Keyan attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Forseti crashes into Brodie in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:V.Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Keila fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Waldo screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Nevinyrral screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Salah fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Visara screams as she is bitten repeatedly. Vuldar fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Brodie screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Promina fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Tikle screams as he is bitten repeatedly. A swarm of insects appears in the room, you swat at them and they fly away. Insects fill the room. Keyan screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Martel screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Keyan bludgeons Uther extremely hard. Keila misses Brodie with her bludgeon. Tikle barely hits Uther. Waldo annihilates Rakkor with his shoot. Waldo annihilates Rakkor with his shoot. You miss Vinoa with your bludgeon. Visara massacres Vinoa with her crush. Brodie massacres Forseti with his stab. Rakkor massacres Vuldar with his cleave. Rakkor massacres Vuldar with his cleave. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Vinoa crushes Visara very hard. Vinoa crushes Visara extremely hard. Nevinyrral massacres Vuldar with his slash. Vuldar misses Nevinyrral with his slash. Uther massacres Martel with his slash. Martel pierces Uther extremely hard. Vuldar stands up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar panics, and attempts to flee. Vuldar flies down. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina comes out of hiding. Promina massacres Uther with her shoot. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Martel appears to get angry for a second. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Uther has lost his link. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Uther has reconnected. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Rakkor stands up. Visara crashes into Vinoa in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah utters the words, 'hzar'. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah utters the words, 'hzal'. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Uther quaffs a yellow potion. Uther smiles as a visage of a great kender appears before him. The kender says, 'A kender always knows his way home, allow me to help'. A kender ghost utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr' Uther disappears. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah misses Rakkor with his slash. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Good] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Insects fill the room. Keila screams as she is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Waldo screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Nevinyrral screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Salah screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Visara fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Brodie screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Promina fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Tikle fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. A swarm of insects appears in the room, you swat at them and they fly away. Insects fill the room. Keyan screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Martel screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Salah misses Rakkor with his slash. Salah slashes Rakkor very hard. Rakkor cleaves Waldo extremely hard. Rakkor massacres Waldo with his cleave. Keila misses Brodie with her bludgeon. Waldo massacres Rakkor with his shoot. You bludgeon Vinoa very hard. Visara massacres Vinoa with her crush. The darkness flowing from Nightbringer hits Vinoa with force! Brodie massacres Forseti with his stab. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Vinoa crushes Visara. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Brodie steps aside as Forseti attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> groDelvar focuses harshly on Martel and utters some strange words. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Delvar's force bolt slams into Martel. Your group of 10 members consists of: Keyan fair rested sitting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 3 Tikle fair rested sitting Y N N Y 1 2 Promina good rested standing Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie v.bad rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar v.bad rested standing Y N N N 0 5 Visara good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 2 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina massacres Rakkor with her shoot. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> stYou stand up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Visara steps aside as Nevinyrral attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> c 'heal' vuldarWho should the spell be cast upon? 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo stands up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo panics, and attempts to flee. Waldo flies down. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo flies in from below. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Martel heroically rescues Brodie. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Keila screams as she is bitten repeatedly. Nevinyrral fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Salah fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Visara fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Brodie fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Promina screams as she is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Tikle screams as he is bitten repeatedly. A swarm of insects appears in the room, you swat at them and they fly away. Insects fill the room. Keyan screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Martel screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Keila misses Martel with her bludgeon. Martel massacres Keila with his pierce. Rakkor cleaves Promina very hard. Rakkor cleaves Promina extremely hard. Nevinyrral slashes Visara extremely hard. Promina misses Rakkor with her shoot. Delvar misses Martel with his drain. c 'heal' brodieSalah slashes Rakkor extremely hard. Salah slashes Rakkor hard. Visara annihilates Vinoa with her crush. The darkness flowing from Nightbringer hits Vinoa with force! Brodie massacres Forseti with his stab. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Vinoa misses Visara with her crush. Waldo massacres Rakkor with his shoot. Keyan stands up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> You utter the words, 'heal' You heal Brodie. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Rakkor crashes into Visara in a thundering collision, knocking her to the ground! 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses harshly on Martel and utters some strange words. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Delvar's force bolt slams into Martel. Keyan slowly fades into existence. Keyan bludgeons Keila very hard. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Tikle stands up. 294H 120V 1489C [Me:Good] [Visara:Good] [Vinoa:Fair] Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vinoa grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Vinoa recites a glowing scroll of recall. Vinoa disappears. 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina panics, and attempts to flee. Promina flies down. 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Tikle focuses on Martel and utters the words, 'heal'. Tikle heals Martel. 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Keila grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Keila recites a glowing scroll of recall. Keila disappears. 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina flies in from below. 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina annihilates Nevinyrral with her shoot. 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> **Brodie: HEAL 294H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Promina fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Waldo fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Nevinyrral screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Salah fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Visara fends off a swarm of insects by flapping her arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Brodie screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Insects fill the room. Tikle screams as he is bitten repeatedly. A loud buzzing fills your ears as a swarm of insects bites at your skin. Keyan fends off a swarm of insects by flapping his arms wildly. Insects fill the room. Martel screams as he is bitten repeatedly. Promina massacres Nevinyrral with her shoot. Promina massacres Nevinyrral with her shoot. Martel massacres Delvar with his pierce. Rakkor cleaves Waldo extremely hard. Rakkor cleaves Waldo extremely hard. Visara annihilates Nevinyrral with her crush. The darkness flowing from Nightbringer hits Nevinyrral with force! Waldo massacres Rakkor with his shoot. Nevinyrral slashes Visara extremely hard. Salah misses Rakkor with his slash. Salah slashes Rakkor very hard. Brodie stabs Forseti extremely hard. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Martel yells a battle cry and fights like a madman! Forseti stands up. Brodie stands up. Vuldar utters the words, 'cure critical'. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> groYour group of 10 members consists of: Keyan fair rested standing Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil fair rested standing Y Y N Y 1 3 Tikle fair rested standing Y N N Y 1 3 Promina good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar fair rested standing Y N N Y 0 4 Visara good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 2 Martel v.good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> **Salah: TICK IN 10 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> You come up against a field of magical force blocking this direction. Movement to the north has been blocked by a shimmering field of force. Waldo panics, and attempts to flee. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses harshly on Martel and utters some strange words. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Delvar's force bolt slams into Martel. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo says 'bash rakkor' 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Nevinyrral stands up. Keyan slowly fades into existence. Nevinyrral steps aside as Keyan attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar steps aside as Nevinyrral attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Tikle focuses on Brodie and utters the words, 'heal'. Tikle heals Brodie. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> stYou are already standing. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> groYour group of 10 members consists of: Keyan fair rested fighting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil fair rested standing Y Y N Y 1 3 Tikle fair rested standing Y N N Y 1 4 Promina good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 4 Visara good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 2 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah focuses his purity on Rakkor's leg! Salah forces Rakkor to the ground. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> The swarm of insects dissipates. Martel heroically rescues Waldo. Martel massacres Nevinyrral with his pierce. Martel tries to shove Visara out of the way of battle. Rakkor cleaves Martel extremely hard. Rakkor cleaves Martel extremely hard. Martel misses Nevinyrral with his pierce. Martel massacres Nevinyrral with his pierce. Vuldar slashes Nevinyrral extremely hard. Keyan bludgeons Nevinyrral extremely hard. Promina annihilates Nevinyrral with her shoot. Promina massacres Nevinyrral with her shoot. Visara massacres Nevinyrral with her crush. Nevinyrral slashes Visara extremely hard. Salah misses Rakkor with his slash. Salah slashes Rakkor extremely hard. Brodie massacres Forseti with his stab. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. Forseti massacres Brodie with his crush. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar utters some strange words. Forseti appears to grow stronger. Forseti manages to avoid the brunt of the storm. Delvar appears to grow stronger. Delvar manages to avoid the brunt of the storm. Nevinyrral is torn to pieces by hundreds of shards of ice. You receive 0 experience. g coins corpseNevinyrral is dead! R.I.P. Rakkor is shredded by shards of ice. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> The corpse doesn't seem to have what you are looking for. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> The death cry of Nevinyrral echoes from somewhere nearby... Nevinyrral sinks gently to the ground. Martel massacres Forseti with his pierce. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Waldo comes out of hiding. Waldo massacres Forseti with his shoot. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina massacres Forseti with her shoot. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Delvar focuses harshly on Martel and utters some strange words. The sound of bones cracking echoes as Delvar's force bolt slams into Martel. 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> g all corpse **Visara: GUST 275H 120V 1489C Mem:3 Exits:ND> You get a giant goatsucker feather from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a black steel longsword from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a braided silver bracelet from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a cloth belt pack from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a red guardian robe from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a heavy birch shield from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get some green dragonscale arm guards from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a shadowy pair of boots from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a silver tuille from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a dragon tooth necklace from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a silver dwarven talisman from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a golden dwarven ring from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a marble ring from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a large pile of coins from the corpse of Nevinyrral. There were 224 coins. split 224You get a dull green potion from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a small canteen from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a rolled bromeliad leaf from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get an ancient medallion from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a pair of silver spectacles from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get some black satin pants with deep pockets from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a pair of green elven boots from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a pair of crystal crimson armbands from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a small diamond shield from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a plain component pouch from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a grey stone bracelet from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a black and crooked staff from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a lightning rod from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a putrid potion from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a putrid potion from the corpse of Nevinyrral. You get a putrid potion from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Bottle : You can't carry that many items. Bottle : You can't carry that many items. Bottle : You can't carry that many items. Bottle : You can't carry that many items. Cheese : You can't carry that many items. Cheese : You can't carry that many items. Cheese : You can't carry that many items. Lamp : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Scroll : You can't carry that many items. Bread : You can't carry that many items. Bread : You can't carry that many items. Bread : You can't carry that many items. Bread : You can't carry that many items. Bread : You can't carry that many items. Bread : You can't carry that many items. Potion : You can't carry that many items. Potion : You can't carry that many items. Raith : You can't carry that many items. 275H 120V 1713C Mem:3 Exits:ND> You divide 220 coins equally among the group members present. gro275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Your group of 10 members consists of: Keyan fair rested sitting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil fair rested standing Y Y N Y 1 3 Tikle fair rested standing Y N N Y 1 4 Promina good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar fair rested standing Y N N Y 0 5 Visara fair rested sitting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 2 Martel good rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 Visara stands up. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Visara crashes into Forseti in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Salah yells and leaps into the fray. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Martel heroically rescues Brodie. Forseti misses Martel with his crush. Forseti massacres Martel with his crush. Martel misses Forseti with his pierce. Visara annihilates Forseti with her crush. The darkness flowing from Nightbringer hits Forseti with force! Promina massacres Forseti with her shoot. Promina massacres Forseti with her shoot. Waldo massacres Forseti with his shoot. Waldo annihilates Forseti with his shoot. Rakkor misses Martel with his cleave. Salah massacres Rakkor with his slash. Salah slashes Rakkor hard. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> put all pouchYou put a putrid potion in an imp skin pouch. You put a putrid potion in an imp skin pouch. You put a putrid potion in an imp skin pouch. You put a lightning rod in an imp skin pouch. You put a black and crooked staff in an imp skin pouch. You put a grey stone bracelet in an imp skin pouch. You put a plain component pouch in an imp skin pouch. You put a small diamond shield in an imp skin pouch. You put a pair of crystal crimson armbands in an imp skin pouch. A pair of green elven boots won't fit. Some black satin pants with deep pockets won't fit. You put a pair of silver spectacles in an imp skin pouch. You put an ancient medallion in an imp skin pouch. A rolled bromeliad leaf won't fit. A glowing scroll of recall won't fit. A small canteen won't fit. A dull green potion won't fit. A marble ring won't fit. A golden dwarven ring won't fit. A silver dwarven talisman won't fit. A dragon tooth necklace won't fit. A silver tuille won't fit. A shadowy pair of boots won't fit. Some green dragonscale arm guards won't fit. A heavy birch shield won't fit. A red guardian robe won't fit. A cloth belt pack won't fit. A braided silver bracelet won't fit. A black steel longsword won't fit. A giant goatsucker feather won't fit. A glowing scroll of recall won't fit. A glowing scroll of recall won't fit. A glowing scroll of recall won't fit. A glowing scroll of recall won't fit. A bright ball of light won't fit. A bright ball of light won't fit. A small wooden chest won't fit. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar utters some strange words. Forseti appears to grow stronger. Forseti manages to avoid the brunt of the storm. Delvar appears to grow stronger. Delvar manages to avoid the brunt of the storm. Rakkor is shredded by shards of ice. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Tikle focuses on Vuldar and utters the words, 'heal'. Tikle heals Vuldar. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> groYour group of 10 members consists of: Keyan fair rested sitting Y N Y Y 1 0 Tiggil fair rested standing Y Y N Y 1 3 Tikle fair rested standing Y N N Y 1 4 Promina good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Brodie v.good rested standing Y N N Y 0 0 Vuldar v.good rested fighting Y N N Y 0 6 Visara fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 0 Waldo fair rested fighting Y N N Y 0 1 Salah good rested fighting Y N N Y 1 2 Martel fair rested fighting Y N Y Y 0 0 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Delvar gets a scroll from his chest. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Rakkor steps aside as Brodie attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Delvar grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Delvar recites a glowing scroll of recall. Delvar disappears. Keyan stands up. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> c 'heal' keyanYou utter the words, 'heal' You heal Keyan. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:4 Exits:ND> Forseti quaffs a yellow potion. Forseti smiles as a visage of a great kender appears before him. The kender says, 'A kender always knows his way home, allow me to help'. A kender ghost utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr' Forseti disappears. Keyan bludgeons Rakkor extremely hard. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:4 Exits:ND> **Promina: bash it 275H 120V 1515C Mem:4 Exits:ND> Martel yells a battle cry and fights like a madman! 275H 120V 1515C Mem:4 Exits:ND> Rakkor gets a scroll from his chest. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:4 Exits:ND> Rakkor grabs a glowing scroll of recall. Rakkor recites a glowing scroll of recall. Rakkor disappears. 275H 120V 1515C Mem:4 Exits:ND> Promina puts away her tablets with a content look on her face. Waldo puts away his tablets with a content look on his face. Salah gets a small wooden chest from the corpse of Elie. Salah gets a crystal shard necklace from the corpse of Elie. Salah gets a light medallion from the corpse of Elie. Salah gets a bright ball of light from the corpse of Elie. 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar utters some strange words. Vuldar creates an icicle. 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Tikle focuses on Waldo and utters the words, 'heal'. Tikle heals Waldo. 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina laughs heartily. 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> **Martel: bash 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> **Martel: jesus 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Promina gets a bronze bottle from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a bronze bottle from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a bronze bottle from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a bronze bottle from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a smoked cheese from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a smoked cheese from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a smoked cheese from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a brass lamp from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a glowing scroll of recall from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a piece of sweet bread from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a milky potion of see invisible from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina gets a milky potion of see invisible from the corpse of Nevinyrral. Promina is zapped by a black ice raith and instantly drops it. 291H 120V 1515C Mem:3 Exits:ND> Vuldar gets a black ice raith. Vuldar gets the corpse of Nevinyrral. Vuldar gets an Aurinite ring. Vuldar gets a silver chain of maple leaves. Vuldar gets a rhinoceros beetle's carapace. Vuldar gets a long flowing robe crafted of oak leaves. Vuldar gets a belt of seashells. Vuldar gets a bracelet of threaded rose petals. Vuldar gets the corpse of Elie. Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls