yea but now i started a garden center out of my driveway Login Username: __________ Password: __________ Login [1]Forgot your password? [2]Register for a Login Mud Logs [3]Recent Logs [4]Older Logs [5]Newer Logs [6]Top Rated Logs [7]Most Viewed Logs [8]Upload A Log [9]Log Collections [10]Log Quicklist Mud Links [11]Arcticmud Blog! [12]Xanitha's Mud Log Page [13]RGB Mud Log Page [14]Lasse's Logs (not current) [15]Oligo's Logs (not current) [16]Arctic Mud Forums [17]Arctic Mud Homepage [18]Vote for Arctic on Top Mud Sites What is the worst change this wipe? (*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Resol RIP POV: Kemian Log Rating: -0.3530 The enchanted barrel changes hands again! 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> #Alias 1 Resol arrives from the north. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> p resol Darva flies east. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> You utter the words, 'hold person' Resol freezes in place. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Dizzy slowly fades into existence. Dizzy comes out of hiding. Dizzy places a jagged-backed curved dagger in Resol's back, resulting in some strange noises and some blood. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Dizzy pierces Resol extremely hard. Dizzy pierces Resol extremely hard. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> l resol You see nothing special about him. Resol the adult male human looks pretty hurt. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Resol shrugs helplessly. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Seq frowns upon Dizzy. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Dizzy panics, and attempts to flee. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Dizzy flies in from the east. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Dizzy slowly fades into existence. Dizzy places a jagged-backed curved dagger in the back of Resol, resulting in some strange noises, a lot of blood and a corpse. You receive 0 experience. Resol is dead! R.I.P. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> The death cry of Resol echoes from somewhere nearby... 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Mastema gets a pile of coins from the corpse of Resol. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> gac You get a tuna salad sandwich from the corpse of Resol. You get an enchanted barrel from the corpse of Resol. You get an entire loaf of bread from the corpse of Resol. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> 'barrel You say 'barrel' 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Spongue tilts her head to the side, confused. 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Spongue says 'barrel, nice' 392H 80V 6358C Mem:2 Exits:NE> Dizzy says 'we won the barrel' Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls