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(*) hp gain randomness ( ) +heal items ( ) every high level zone bugged ( ) road shortening ( ) rolling system ( ) nosummon items ( ) all of the above Vote Results [19]Submit a Poll [20]List Previous Polls Coors says 'can i bash someone' POV: Jenni Log Rating: 3.3214 Cicero says 'if u wasnt wielding decap' Cicero says 'actually' Cicero says 'fuck it' Cicero says 'zhero' Zhero says 'haha' Coors says 'can i bash someone' Cicero says 'if u wasnt wielding decap' Cicero says 'actually' Aca says 'me' Cicero says 'fuck it' 663H 188V [**Zhero:Perfect**] Exits:N> Cicero crashes into Zhero in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> You stand up. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Invictus rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> ' Grem sniffs sadly. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Cicero MASSACRES Zhero with his slash. Zhero MASSACRES Cicero with his slash. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Zhero steps aside as Coors attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on her face. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Invictus says 'DECAP' 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Xanatos drinks water from a gnome skull, splashing some on the ground. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Xanatos drinks water from a gnome skull, splashing some on the ground. 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Invictus says 'DECAP' 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Cicero says 'snicker snack!' 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Invictus says 'DECAP' 663H 188V [**Zhero:V.Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Coors MASSACRES Zhero with her slash. Coors misses Zhero with her cleave. Cicero MASSACRES Zhero with his slash. Zhero MASSACRES Cicero with his slash. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Zhero stands up. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Zhero appears to get angry for a second. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Cicero crashes into Zhero in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> **Grem: remove decapper pls pls 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Grem sighs loudly. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Aca says 'i promise not to stab u if u fail :)' 663H 188V [**Zhero:Good**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Coors MASSACRES Zhero with her slash. Coors cleaves Zhero very hard. Cicero MASSACRES Zhero with his slash. Zhero MASSACRES Cicero with his slash. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Fair**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Coors stands up. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Fair**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Zhero steps aside as Coors attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on her face. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Fair**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Carr shouts 'if i were you and you were me. . then this is your character!!! you lvl it!!! ::sighs as boredum sets in and hits like an anvil::' 663H 188V [**Zhero:Fair**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Coors ANNIHILATES Zhero with her slash. Coors cleaves Zhero very hard. Cicero MASSACRES Zhero with his slash. Zhero slashes Cicero extremely hard. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Fair**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Invictus rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 663H 188V [**Zhero:Fair**] [**Cicero:Fair**] Exits:N> Coors MASSACRES Zhero with her slash. Coors misses Zhero with her cleave. Cicero MASSACRES Zhero with his slash. Zhero swings his claymore in a wide arc. The blade screams through the air and shears off Cicero's head sending blood gushing everywhere! Cicero is dead! R.I.P. The death cry of Cicero echoes from somewhere nearby... Cicero stops following Xanatos. Vote On This Log ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (*) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Vote Hated It Loved It References 1. file:///index.php?option=forgot 2. file:///index.php?option=register 3. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs 4. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=10 5. file:///index.php?option=recentlogs&lognbr=0 6. file:///index.php?option=toplogs 7. file:///index.php?option=mostviewedlogs 8. file:///index.php?option=uploadlog 9. file:///index.php?option=collections 10. file:///index.php?option=quicklist 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=new 20. file:///index.php?option=poll&action=listpolls